
a simple stock management system built with electron and vue.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Stock Management System

happily made with

  • cli-vue-plugin
  • cli-vue-plugin-electron-builder
  • @vue/cli-plugin-typescript
To generate project starter:
- npm install -g @vue/cli
- vue create app-name
- cd app-name
- vue add electron-builder
- vue add vuetify
- vue add @vue/typescript
Project setup
- install dependencies                     : npm install
- compile and hot reload for development   : npm run eletron:serve
- Generate build for production            : npm run electron:build
- build for windows                        : npm run electron:build-win
- postinstall package dependencie s        : npm run postinstall
- postinstall for windows                  : npm run postinstall-win
- run unit tests                           : npm run test
- linting                                  : npm run lint
- migration                                : npm run typeorm:cli -- migration:run
useful links:
- https://nklayman.github.io/vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/
- https://medium.freecodecamp.org/creating-an-electron-app-using-angular-and-sqlite3-24ca7d892810