
Discord Bot for linking Steam games.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This Discord bot takes in a Steam game's name and returns its link on the Steam Store based on Valve's search suggest feature.

Discord Bots


discord.py, lxml, aiohttp, sqlitedict, psutil, dblpy:

python3 -m pip install --user discord.py lxml aiohttp sqlitedict psutil dblpy

Set the environment variable GAME_BOT_TOKEN as your token, eg.

export GAME_BOT_TOKEN=foobar
python3 game_bot.py

If you have HISTCONTROL set to ignoreboth or ignorespace in bash, prepend a space before any command containing your token to prevent it from showing up in your history.

Make sure you are running Python 3.4.2+!