This is a PyTorch implementation of Microsoft's FastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to Speech.
Now supporting about 900 speakers in 🔥 LibriTTS for multi-speaker text-to-speech.
This project supports 2 muti-speaker datasets:
- LJSpeech
- FastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to Speech, Y. Ren, et al.
- FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech, Y. Ren, et al.
- xcmyz's FastSpeech implementation
- rishikksh20's FastSpeech2 implementation
- TensorSpeech's FastSpeech2 implementation
- NVIDIA's WaveGlow implementation
- seungwonpark's MelGAN implementation