
A lightweight model library for Ember.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ember.Model Build Status


Ember Model (EM) is a simple and lightweight model library for Ember. It intentionally supports a limited feature set. The main goal is to provide primitives on top of $.ajax that are required by Ember.

EM makes it easy to provide hooks for making requests to your server, and requires you to convert the response into a model object. If your response does not look the same as your model's attributes, you will need to manually convert them before loading them.

EM is still very much a work in progress, but it's flexible enough to be used in apps today. It was extracted out of an Ember app. Please see the issues section for a list of bugs and planned features.


  • BYO$A (bring your own $.ajax)
  • Focused on performance
  • Automatic coalescing of multiple findById calls into a single findMany
  • Customizable dirty tracking (great for embedded objects)
  • Fixtures
  • Identity map (per class)
  • Promises everywhere
  • Customizable RESTAdapter

If you want more features than Ember Model provides, file an issue. Feature requests/contributions are welcome but the goal is to keep things simple and fast.

Example usage

var attr = Ember.attr;

App.User = Ember.Model.extend({
  id: attr(),
  name: attr()

App.User.url = "/users";
App.User.adapter = Ember.RESTAdapter.create();

var newUser = App.User.create({name: "Erik"});
newUser.save(); // POST to /users.json

var existingUser = App.User.find(1); // GET /users/1.json
existingUser.set('name', 'Kris');
existingUser.get('isDirty'); // => true
existingUser.save(); // PUT /users/1.json

Model API

Model#create - create a new record

Model#save - save or update record

Model#load - load JSON into the record (typically used inside adapter definition)

Model#toJSON - serialize the record to JSON

Model.find() - find all records

Model.find(<String|Number>) - find by ID (multiple calls within a single run loop can coalesce to a findMany)

Model.find(<object>) - find query - object gets passed directly to your adapter

Model.load(<array>) - load an array of model data (aka sideloading)

Adapter API

Ember.Adapter = Ember.Object.extend({
  find: function(record, id) {}, // find a single record
  findAll: function(klass, records) {}, // find all records
  findMany: function(klass, records, ids) {}, // find many records by ID (batch find)

  findQuery: function(klass, records, params) {}, // find records using a query

  createRecord: function(record) {}, // create a new record on the server

  saveRecord: function(record) {}, // save an existing record on the server

  deleteRecord: function(record) {} // delete a record on the server

Building Ember-Model

To build Ember-Model, clone the repository, run bundle then rake dist. Unminified and minified builds of Ember-Model will be placed in the dist directory.

How to Run Unit Tests


  1. Install Ruby 1.9.2+. There are many resources on the web can help; one of the best is rvm.

  2. Install Bundler: gem install bundler

  3. Run bundle inside the project root to install the gem dependencies.

In Your Browser

  1. To start the development server, run rackup.

  2. Then visit: http://localhost:9292.

Special Thanks

Yehuda Katz (@wycats), Tom Dale (@tomdale), Igor Terzic (@igorT), and company for their amazing work on Ember Data. I believe it's the most ambitious JS project today. The goal is someday everyone's JSON APIs will be conventional enough that Ember Data will be the best choice of data library for Ember. Until then, Ember Model will make it easy to get up and running quickly with Ember.

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