
document skeleton for me

Primary LanguageCSS

% doc.skel % Hiroki Tsukahaar % 2016/10/17

My document skeleton

This is a typical markdown skeleton for me.

  • This skeleton provides on the fly preview by the browser sync.
  • PlantUML code block are processed by the filter.
  • You can create ePub format.
    • $ gulp epub

How to use

precondition: nodejs, npm, gulp and pandoc-filter-plantuml

  1. make document folder
  2. clone this project in the document folder
  3. execute 'npm install'
  4. start gulp (activate browser sync)

gulp checks '../*.md'. if there are some modification, execute pandoc.

$ mkdir docs
$ cd docs
$ git clone https://github.com/tabahara/doc.skel 
$ npm install
$ gulp
$ cd ..

Using git submodule for doc.skel is a good idea.


How to create slides with Japanese.

  1. apply a modification to style file.
    • search style file by $ kpsewhich beamerthemeSingapore.sty


  \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=}


\usepackage{luatexja}  <====== ADD THIS COMMAND!
  1. execute build a slides by following command;
$ pandoc -t beamer -V theme:Singapore -o slide.pdf src/index.md --latex-engine=lualatex

3 setup plantuml filter

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update