
My Vim Config using Vundle

Primary LanguageVim Script


This will now work with Nvim and Vim8

Clone/link this folder to ~/.vim

		ln -s $(pwd) ~/.vim
  mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim

Link ini files

		ln -s $(pwd)/vimrc ~/.vimrc
		ln -s $(pwd)/init.vim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

Install plugins

		:PlugInstall  (within VIM)


Additional Packages: js-beautify (nodejs) for js, css and html beautify flake or pylint for Python Syntastic

For YouCompleteMe nodejs-tern for javascript completions

Useful Keys: gS gJ - splitjoin multi <> single line code Yankring p CtrlPMixed o CtrlPBuffer i CtrlPMRU u / F4 CtrlP F3 NerdTree F9 Tcomment select matching text to change <alt-left/right> prev/next buffer (surf) w - easymotion to start of words f(letter) - easymotion to find letter f enter - easymotion to repeat last search F2 CTAGS

Useful Commands: :DirDiff A B - directory diff :VE - Vim explorer :NTF - NerdTreeFind :ppp - set paste :js_beautify, css_beautify, html_beautify