
yaaa digggggggg

Primary LanguageVerilog

Tron with Friends

Niveen Jegatheeswaran, Sanjam Sigdel, Tabeeb Yeamin, Johnson Zhong

CSCB58: Winter 2019 Final Project

"Tron with Friends" is a game based on the movie Tron. The game is played with 2 players where the objective of the game is to make the other player crash into the trail left by your character. The character moves forward while leaving a trail behind representing the player. The player can choose to go up, down, left, or right on the screen. The game is over when one of the players hits any trail on the screen, including their own, or a player runs into a border, and the other player is claimed the winner and wins a point. After dying, a random spawn is generated to keep the game invigorating and full of suspense.

alt text


On Keybored

  • Player 1 (Purple): WASD
  • Player 2 (Blue):

On DE2 Board

  • SW[0]: Enable scoring
  • SW[1]: Reset scores
  • KEY[0]: Increment score for Player 1
  • KEY[3]: Increment score for Player 2

Required Hardware

  • Altera DE2 Board (Cyclone IV board)
    • Use de2.qsf for pin assignments
  • VGA Display
  • PS/2 Keyboard alt text


  1. Link: http://www.instructables.com/id/PS2-Keyboard-for-FPGA/

    Description: Used the Keyboard.v file as a basis for our PS/2 keyboard input, adding additional scan codes for more keys.

  2. Link: http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~jayar/ece241_08F/vga/vga-bmp2mif.html

    Description: Used to convert our bitmap images to .mif files to use as the background for our game's start screen.

  3. CSCB58 - Lab 4

    Description: Rate divider code and counter

  4. Link: https://github.com/rahul-kumar-saini/TurfWars

    Description: Rate divider to implement the clock to use for player movement speed

  5. CSCB58 - Lab 6

    Desciption: Displaying pixels on the screen at specified coordinates

  6. http://www.instructables.com/id/PS2-Keyboard-for-FPGA/

    Desciption: Use keyboard as input for pixel movement

  7. http://electrosofts.com/verilog/loop_statements.html

    Description: Writing for loops to initialize borders

  8. http://www.gstitt.ece.ufl.edu/courses/spring18/eel4712/labs/lab6/

    Desciption: Converting image files to .mif files