Test tahap pertama untuk peserta bootcamp tentang
- konsep docker
- menjalankan container dengan docker
- build docker image berdasarkan workload tertentu
- microservice apps using Rest API
- memahami docker compose yaml
Teman-temen akan disedian sebuah virtual-machine (VM) untuk melakukan installasi docker
- Install docker-engine
- Configure insecure registry ke nexus oss yang telah di install, berikut configurasinya
user: tabeldata
pass: tabeldata
Jalankan container menggunakan image
dengan port export8081
coba akses dari local komputer temen-temen ke container tersebut, contohnya alamat server adalah
coba akses
Disini saya punya architecture aplikasi yang akan dideploy seperti berikut:
- Java 17 or later
- Apache maven
- MySQL 8.0 or later, alternative using docker
- PostgreSQL 15 or later, alternative using docker
After your install pre-requirement, then you can download the dependencies using mvn clean -DskipTests package
Module customer using MySQL Database to store data about customer it self, to run this module you can type mvn -DskipTests clean -pl customer spring-boot:run
command. After web server started now you can access rest api from [http://localhost:9090]
Before you start, you need modified the environment on application.yaml
inside folder customer/src/main/resources
such as datasource connection
For testing the rest api, you can use Postman or the other http client and import this http-request.
### request to customer
GET http://{{host}}:{{port}}{{context-path}}/api/customer/v1/findById/cust01
Accept: application/json
Module order using PostgreSQL database to store about transaction order, to run this module you can type mvn -DskipTests clean -pl orders spring-boot:run
command. After web server started now you can access rest api from [http://localhost:9091]
Before you start, you need modified the environment on application.yaml
inside folder ordes/src/main/resources
such as datasource connection, service customer connection
For testing the rest api, you can use Postman or the other http client and import this http-request.
### Store request order from customer
POST http://{{host}}:{{port}}{{context-path}}/api/order/v1/checkout
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Timeout: 3s
"userId": "cust01",
"item": "Macbook Pro 13\" (A1723)",
"qty": "2"
Nah yang harus temen-temen kerjakan yaitu
- Build docker image untuk masing-masing module
- Membuat docker compose specification berdasarkan microservice tersebut
- Setelah containernya running, coba test dengan menggunakan postman atau rest client apakah response dari rest client bisa connecti antara service order dengan customer.