
Canvas Jump Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Just Jump

Link to Project https://tabemono.github.io/Just-Bounce/

Background and Overview

Simple p5 javascript canvas game where you keep climbing up while dodging projectiles.


collidesWith = (player) => { let platformTop = this.altitude; let playerBottom = player.loc.y - player.size / 2;

if (
  Math.abs(platformTop - playerBottom) < -player.vel.y &&
  platformTop < playerBottom
) {
  let platformLeftX = this.x; // platform lefter-most x bound
  let platformRightX = this.x + this.size; // platform righter-most x bound

  let playerLeftX = player.loc.x - player.size / 2; // player lefter-most x bound
  let playerRightX = player.loc.x + player.size / 2; // player righter-most x bound

  return (
    (playerLeftX >= platformLeftX && // if the player's left X falls between the platform
      playerLeftX <= platformRightX) ||
    (playerRightX >= platformLeftX && // if the player's right X falls between the platform
      playerRightX <= platformRightX)

return false;


Functionality and MVPS

  • controllable player from arrow keys and space bar
  • have each level with obstacles that shoot projeciles from the side -scalable canvas levels that goes up

Architexture and Technology

-Javascript -Canvas -Webpack & Babel -p5 library

Future implementations

  • Add more styling with sprites and music