
Create a snippet from a file on GitHub

Primary LanguageHTML

GitHub Snippet

GitHub Snippet is a way to embed a snippet of a GitHub file of your choosing into a website via a script tag. It leverages highlight.js to do the code highlighting.


Copy the entirety of script.html into the head of your HTML after reviewing its contents. After that, check out the API below and use it to your satisfaction.

Here's an example

<!-- script.html stuff -->
<script>(function() { loadGithubSnippet(l(), 'tabeth/blog/contents/package.json') })()</script>


The API is simple. There are two functions you need to be aware of:

  • l()

Named for brevity, l should be called in the <script> tag directly. It will return the parent node at the time when the <script> tag is being loaded. In short, this will allow you to place the snippet where the <script> tag is placed.

  • loadGithubSnippet()

This accepts two two parameters, an element that you want to append the snippet to the end of, and a snippet URL. The snippet URL follows the Github API and has the same limitations thereof.

Other Notes

The styling can be changed at your discretion by simply modifying the source code, changing the stylesheet in highlight.js or adding classes and using an additional stylesheet.


This was made in literally an hour, so there are bound to be issues. If it's minor, open up a request and I'll take care of it relatively quickly. Otherwise, create a pull request after explaining the problem via an issue and I'm sure it'll be merged in.