- 1
- 1
Path as a function
#35 opened by pedrolaranjeiro - 1
- 2
Add value class suppprt
#28 opened by 2ne1ugly - 2
Docker build failing - can't find openapi.yaml
#32 opened by knmueller - 2
Adding operationId to openapi files
#33 opened by ToberoCat - 3
Multimodule and multiplatform support
#34 opened by GazimSoliev - 2
Plugin incompatible with kotlin version 2.0.20
#26 opened by AlbRoehm - 1
- 12
Create an example project
#14 opened by piashcse - 2
Doesn't seem to detect resource routes
#13 opened by ixtli - 1
- 0
- 0
Compute the OpenAPI file output path in KtorMetaPlugin and use its presence to determine whether the Kotlin compile task needs to run
#17 opened by donfreiday - 1
Issues deploying to app engine
#15 opened by GreaseMonk - 4
plugin not compatible with kotlin 2
#10 opened by ixtli - 2
Gradle Task to generate openapi.yml
#11 opened by ToberoCat - 0
Route path extraction
#1 opened by tabilzad - 6
gradle task order compatibility issue
#9 opened by chris-brace - 3
- 2
Plugin [id: 'io.github.tabilzad.ktor-docs-plugin-gradle'] was not found in any of the following sources:
#6 opened by ToberoCat - 0
add support for Locations api
#3 opened by tabilzad - 0
Request schema generation Map handling
#2 opened by tabilzad - 1
Showing error in build.gradle.kts
#5 opened by piashcse