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See container-jfr-core for the core library providing a convenience wrapper and headless stubs for use of JFR using JDK Mission Control internals.

See container-jmc-pubsub-demo and container-jmc-simple-demo for multi-container demos of this project.



  • Git
  • JDK11+
  • Gradle


  • Kubernetes/OpenShift/Minishift, Podman/Docker, or other container platform


container-jfr-core is a required dependency, which is not currently published in an artefact repository and so must be built and installed into the Maven local repository. Instructions for doing so are available at that project's README.

Submodules must be initialized via git submodule init && git submodule update.

container-jfr-web, as a submodule located within the web-client directory, must be prepared by running pushd web-client; npm install; popd.

Once the container-jfr-core local dependency is made available, ./gradlew build will build the project.

Tests can be run with ./gradlew check, or for an interactive watch mode, ./gradlew -it test.

A Docker image can be built to your local Docker image registry using ./gradlew jibDockerBuild. Take note that the standard ./gradlew build will not only build the image but will attempt to publish it to Dockerhub.


For a basic development non-containerized smoketest, use ./gradlew run, or ./gradlew run --args="client-args-here".

For a Kubernetes/OpenShift deployment, see container-jfr-operator. This will deploy container-jfr into your configured cluster in interactive WebSocket mode with a web frontend.

The client can operate in three different command execution modes. These are batch (scripted), interactive TTY, and interactive socket. To use batch mode, simply pass a single argument string to the client at runtime, ex. ./gradlew run --args="'help; ip; hostname'". For interactive TTY mode, either invoke the client with no args (./gradlew run --args="''") or with the flag -it: ./gradlew run --args="-it". And for interactive socket mode, pass the flag -d: ./gradlew run --args="-d".

The script can be used to spin up a Docker container of the Container JFR Client, running alone but set up so that it is able to introspect itself with JFR. This can be achieved by doing sh -it and then typing connect container-jfr:9091 into the client shell that appears. When running in this container, all three execution modes described above are still available and accessible using the same mthods. Some client shell demo scripts are also available in the demos directory. These can be used with batch mode, ex. sh "$(more demos/print_help)".

There are seven environment variables that the client checks during its runtime: CONTAINER_JFR_WEB_HOST, CONTAINER_JFR_WEB_PORT, CONTAINER_JFR_EXT_WEB_PORT, CONTAINER_JFR_LISTEN_HOST, CONTAINER_JFR_LISTEN_PORT, CONTAINER_JFR_EXT_LISTEN_PORT, and CONTAINER_JFR_LOG_LEVEL. The former three are used by the embedded webserver for controlling the port and hostname used and reported when making recordings available for export (download). The latter three are used when running the client in daemon/socket mode and controls the port that the client listens for connections on and which port is reported should be used for connecting to the command channel socket. (Note: the WebSocket server always listens on CONTAINER_JFR_WEB_PORT and advertises CONTAINER_JFR_EXT_WEB_PORT regardless of CONTAINER_JFR_LISTEN_PORT and CONTAINER_JFR_EXT_LISTEN_PORT.) These may be set by setting the environment variable before invoking the shell script, or if this script is not used, by using the -e environment variable flag in the docker or podman command invocation. If the EXT variables are unspecified then they default to the value of their non-EXT counterparts. If LISTEN_HOST is unspecified then it defaults to the value of WEB_HOST. CONTAINER_JFR_LOG_LEVEL is used to control the level of messages which will be printed by the logging facility. Acceptable values are OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, and ALL.

The embedded webserver can be optionally configured to enable low memory pressure mode. By setting USE_LOW_MEM_PRESSURE_STREAMING to any non-empty value, the webserver uses a single buffer when serving recording download requests. Enabling this option leaves a constant memory size footprint, but might also reduce the network throughput.

For an overview of the available commands and their functionalities, see this document.


In order for container-jfr to be able to monitor JVM application targets the targets must have RJMX enabled. container-jfr has several strategies for automatic discovery of potential targets. Each strategy will be tested in order until a working strategy is found.

The primary target discovery mechanism uses the Kubernetes API to list services and expose all discovered services as potential targets. This is runtime dynamic, allowing container-jfr to discover new services which come online after container-jfr, or to detect when known services disappear later. This requires the container-jfr pod to have authorization to list services within its own namespace.

The secondary target discovery mechanism is based on Kubernetes environment variable service discovery. In this mode, environment variables available to container-jfr (note: environment variables are set once at process creation - this implies that this method of service discovery is static after startup) are examined for the form FOO_PORT_1234_TCP_ADDR= Such an environment variable will cause the discovery of a target at address, aliased as foo, listening on port 1234.

Finally, if no supported platform is detected, then container-jfr will fall back to the JDP (Java Discovery Protocol) mechanism. This relies on target JVMs being configured with the JVM flags to enable JDP and requires the targets to be reachable and in the same subject as container-jfr. JDP can be enabled by passing the flag "" when starting target JVMs; for more configuration options, see this document . Once the targets are properly configured, container-jfr will automatically discover their JMX Service URLs, which includes the RJMX port number for that specific target.

To enable RJMX on port 9091, the following JVM flags should be passed at target startup:


The port number 9091 is arbitrary and may be configured to suit individual deployments, so long as the two port properties above match the desired port number and the deployment network configuration allows connections on the configured port. As noted above, the final caveat is that in non-Kube deployments, port 9091 is expected for automatic port-scanning target discovery.


container-jfr can be optionally configured to secure HTTP and WebSocket traffics end-to-end with SSL/TLS.

This feature can be enabled by configuring environment variables to points to a certificate in the file system. One can set KEYSTORE_PATH to point to a .jks, .pfx or .p12 certificate file and KEYSTORE_PASS to the plaintext password to such a keystore. Alternatively, one can set KEY_PATH to a PEM encoded key file and CERT_PATH to a PEM encoded certificate file.

In the absence of these environment variables, container-jfr will look for a certificate at following locations, in an orderly fashion:

  • $HOME/container-jfr-keystore.jks (used together with KEYSTORE_PASS)
  • $HOME/container-jfr-keystore.pfx (used together with KEYSTORE_PASS)
  • $HOME/container-jfr-keystore.p12 (used together with KEYSTORE_PASS)
  • $HOME/container-jfr-key.pem and $HOME/container-jfr-cert.pem

If no certificate can be found, container-jfr will fallback to plain unencrypted http:// and ws:// connections.

In case container-jfr is deployed behind an SSL proxy, set the environment variable CONTAINER_JFR_SSL_PROXIED to a non-empty value. This informs container-jfr that the URLs it reports pointing back to itself should use the secure variants of protocols.

If the certificate used for SSL-enabled Grafana/jfr-datasource connections is self-signed or otherwise untrusted, set the environment variable CONTAINER_JFR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_SSL to permit uploads of recordings.


Using the platform detection mechanism described previously, ContainerJFR will attempt to select an appropriate authz manager to match the deployment platform. In all scenarios, the presence of an auth manager (other than NoopAuthManager) causes ContainerJFR to expect credentials on command channel WebSocket handshake via a ?token=TOKEN query parameter, as well as with an Authorization: Bearer TOKEN header on recording download and report requests.

The token is never stored in any form, only kept in-memory long enough to process the external token validation.

If the detected deployment platform is OpenShift then the selected auth manager will pass through the user's provided token to the OpenShift API for validation on each request, rejecting the request if the validation fails.

If no appropriate auth manager can be automatically determined then the fallback is the NoopAuthManager, which does no external validation calls and simply accepts any provided token.