
Suggestion: Vertical link bar

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hello Gaku. I have the link bar in a vertical position. For each link to show only the icon, I have to leave the "Name" box empty. The result is in the screenshot below.


My suggestion is to have options for the name, such as "hidden", "show label", as the following screenshot shows:


Is it possible to do that in the link bar? Thank you very much.

appft commented

How to make the link bar in a vertical position ?

¿Cómo hacer que la barra de enlace esté en posición vertical?

Hello, you have to go to the options of this add-on, as follows:
Menu --> Tools --> Add-on --> Link bar --> Options (cogwheel button) --> Position tab.
From there the "Left Bar 1" position is chosen, as the screenshot shows.

Barra enlace vertical

appft commented

Thanks,it's working

ccfs commented

I have found a way to hide the button names while keeping the names in Options. Use "User style sheet" add-on and enter this:

.linklabel {

The tip pop-ups will still show the address though.

Excellent ccfs! I can now see the name of each link when entering the "Link bar" properties, without that name showing in the vertical bar.
Thank you so much!

ccfs commented

Now you can opt out button names with the patched version of Link bar.

Thank you very much, ccfs. Tablacus Explorer gets better every day!