
Patches for TE and add-ons

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Run "patch.cmd" from Command Prompt to install this patch.
  • This patch can work with WebView.
  • Original files are included with ORG appended to their names in the ZIP file.
  • This patch will be updated aperiodically.
TE / add-on Change Issue Solved Updated
TE240806 Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Options > Menus:
* Disable changing "Base" of "Default" and "Alias" to prevent from TE malfunction. TE-675
* A hot key set in Options > Menus > Tree incorrectly works in file lists but not in folder trees.
2. Folder menus unexpectedly show hidden items in a ZIP file or a result list even when "Include hidden" is NO.
3. Icon problems regarding network:
* Incorrect icons on menus and add-ons for network files and printers.
* Missing icons on menu items with Type "Exec" and "Selected Items".
* Add-ons changing icons do not work on menus and other add-ons.
* TE hangs up when it determines an icon for an offline FTP folder or file.
4. Other icon problems:
* Incorrect icon on menus for any group open item.
* Redundant space below SVG icons causing misalignment.
5. Standalone add-on options window with a record list and a record detail: changes on other tabs (e.g. Position) do not work. AO-357
6. When a ZIP file is added to Favorites, its Type should be Open.
7. "Open file location", "Open containing folder" and command line switch "/select":
* Drive: Cannot select the drive
* System folder: Incorrectly opens "Computer"
* Query: Should be ignored but incorrectly opens "Computer"
* ftp: Incorrectly opens the item itself
* Problems with "Prevent duplicate tabs" and "Open the same locked tab instead" add-on:
- Missing item selection after switching to an existing tab
- Previous selection may unexpectedly remain
8. Command line switch /select cannot handle a path with a comma or TE environment variable.
9. Options > Add-ons:
* "Sort by name" incorrectly sorts items with icons before those without icons.
* Up/Down button malfunctions if the folder of an installed add-on is deleted before starting TE.
10. Options > Add-ons and Options > Add-ons > Get Add-ons: After the progress window closes, Options window is deactivated.
11. Go to Add-ons page after installing an add-on thru Get Add-ons page:
* the page still shows old version number if a new version has been installed.
* the page cannot show the add-on if it is previously empty.
12. WebView problems:
* Cannot show specified icon when a user opens Icon tab of an add-on options page.
* Options > Menus:
- After "Remove" or "Create menu" finishes, the record details are not refreshed to the current record.
- Incorrectly shows the name of previously selected item on record list if the name in record details is not English and has been changed.
* Swap button on Options > Tabs > Advanced page does not work.
* After choosing Tools > Add-ons or Help > Get Add-ons / Icons, mouse wheel does not work before clicking the page.
13. "Default program" control panel may be opened in a tab but will not work.
14. Options > List:
* If Default is ticked, view mode should be applied to all tabs.
* After specifying a Date format, there is no effect until the user refreshes the tab.
15. Tools > Options: If Enter key is pressed when the focus is on an input field (except a multi-line text box):
* the first button will unexpectedly be clicked (IE).
* "Select language" menu will unexpectedly appear (WebVIew).
16. Minor appearance changes on Options pages.
1. Move selected item(s) by Alt+Click destination:
* Options > Menus
* Options > Add-ons
2. Ease searching on Options > Add-ons and Options > Add-ons > Get … pages:
Go to search input box and select any text:
* when you open the page from TE window
* if you are already on the page and click the label on the left pane
* after searching
* after sorting
3. Press Shift+Enter to open the parent folder of a path typed into address bar in a new tab.
Filter bar Patch WebView:
1. Double-click the bar, then choose an option from filter list – does not work, disable this function.
2. Enter the bar, click a file list, then enter another bar – incorrectly enter the bar.
Inner Filter bar Patch WebView:
1. Double-click the bar, then choose an option from filter list – does not work, disable this function.
2. Enter the bar, click a file list, then enter another bar – incorrectly enter the bar.
3. Enter another bar, then click the filter icon – cannot leave another bar.
Path column Patch* + Enhancement Patch
1. Paths, parent folder paths and item types are still missing or incorrect for certain types (queries, libraries, network, FTP) of items. TE-540
2. Sorting does not work correctly if there is a query item, non-existent item or item in ZIP.
3. Column filtering may not work correctly.
4. Column values do not show up after settings reloaded.
5. Column values are not reset after the add-on is disabled (WebView).
Let user specify result lists to support.
Inner breadcrumbs address bar Patch 1. If you switches quickly among the breadcrumb menus, sometimes:
- a "TypeError" occurs
- the menu does not show up (WebView)
2. Edit option on breadcrumb context menu does not work.
Address bar Patch 1. If you switches quickly among the breadcrumb menus, sometimes:
- a "TypeError" occurs
- the menu does not show up (WebView)
2. Revert the changes from version 1.71 to 1.73, which have problems and are inconsistent with the inner version.
Folder list menu Patch With WebView, javascript: sometimes does not work 2024/07/30
Inactive pane Enhancement Opt to color active pane instead TE-759 2024/07/06
Close tab when deleting Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Does not work if a folder is deleted from TE. AO-362
2. TE incorrectly shows a deleted folder as "empty". AO-157
Let user opt to close a tab in other situations.
Close all tabs Patch + Enhancement* Patch
Does not work with WebView
Improve performance
Force refresh Patch + Enhancement Patch
Does not work if drag-n-drop or copy-n-paste from another app TE-628
1. Refresh system folders such as Recycle bin and Libraries after file operations.
2. Separated "Filter" and "Disable" options for file operation.
Select plus Patch Does not work if you duplicate any item in a folder. 2024/06/15
Duplicate copy Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Tab / file name on dialog box should not be translated.
2. AO-116 If an assigned hot key "Ctrl+Shift+C" is pressed, after duplication completes:
- Current selection incorrectly changes to an item with name starting with C.
- If there is no such item, TE emits a ding sound.
3. New item selection is missed after duplication of:
- multiple items (solved by using "Select plus" add-on)
- single item (WebView, sometimes)
Improve message and input boxes.
Horizontal Favorites bar Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. If Options of an item is empty,
- script error (IE11)
- the bar does not show (WebView)
2. For Type Exec and "Selected Items":
- may not show a correct icon.
- may not show context menu items.
3. Translate tip pop-ups.
4. With WebView, after clicking a button of a command invoking a menu, an error occurs, or the menu is off position.
5. Whether an item name is translated or not, is inconsistent with Favorites menu.
6. Version 1.28:
- Removing a menu open record causes menu structure problem.
- Cannot show separator line if name is not specified.
- Wrong year of publication date.
1. Can be placed in an inner position. TE-690
2. Full height separator line.
3. Opt out button names.
4. Hide button names by .favbarlabel { display: none; } ("User style sheet" add-on).
Favorites bar Patch* + Enhancement* 1. If Options of an item is empty,
- script error (IE11)
- the pane is blank (WebView)
2. For Type Exec and "Selected Items":
- may not show a correct icon.
- may not show context menu items.
3. Translate tip pop-ups.
4. Cannot resolve environment variables in item names.
5. "Open containing folder" context command:
- System folder: Incorrectly opens "Computer"
- Query: Should be ignored but incorrectly opens "Computer"
- ftp: Incorrectly opens the item itself
- Problem with "Prevent duplicate tabs" and "Open the same locked tab instead" add-on: Previous selection may unexpectedly remain.
6. Right-click often does not work (IE11).
7. With WebView, after clicking a button of a command invoking a menu, an error occurs, or the menu is off position.
8. Version 1.44:
- Removing a menu open record causes menu structure problem.
- Cannot show separator line if name is not specified.
- Wrong year of publication date.
- Arranging items by drag-and-drop does not work.
- Image icon is not scaled correctly if height is specified.
Let user specify icon size.
Virtual name Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Does not work just after:
- add-on enabled
- settings reloaded (IE11) AO-220
2. The column is not reset after the add-on is disabled.
3. Unexpectedly shows file name extension although it is turned off in Control Panel.
4. Tab / file name on dialog box should not be translated.
1. Improve message and input boxes.
2. Placeholder * for Filter.
Items count Patch* 1. Does not work just after:
- add-on enabled
- settings reloaded (IE11)
2. The column is not reset after the add-on is disabled (WebView).
3. Incorrectly counts hidden items if the folder is under a ZIP file and "Include hidden" is NO.
Space free column Patch* 1. Does not work just after:
- add-on enabled
- settings reloaded (IE11)
2. The column is not reset after the add-on is disabled (WebView).
Hot button Patch "No infotip" option does not work under Frame mode 2024/06/01
About remember Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Error upon a CAB file sorted by path or an empty library.
2. Script errors with IE11:
- Press Enter key to close the dialog box
- "about:" record is amended consectively
3. Problems with WebView:
- Keyboard does not work before the dialog box is clicked
- OK button and Enter key does not work
4. Incorrect icons and details for certain types of records. AO-111
5. Other add-ons which mark up items (e.g. Label) do not work on the file list.
6. Back/Forward button menus and address bars cannot show the same name as on tab.
7. Use a more suitable icon for the result list.
8. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Press Enter key or click on an item to open the dialog box.
Blank page Patch* 1. Back/Forward button menus and address bars cannot show the same name as on tab. TE-466
2. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Speed Dial Patch* 1. Back/Forward button menus and address bars cannot show the same name as on tab.
2. Use a more suitable icon and tab name.
3. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
History Patch* 1. Removed item re-appears after TE restarts.
2. Use specified icon for result list.
3. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Entered history Patch* 1. Removed item re-appears after TE restarts.
2. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Badge Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. "Portable" check box does not work.
2. Cannot work with Flat add-on if it is placed below the latter.
3. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Improve message and input boxes.
Label Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. If "Portable" is ticked, saved drive letter is incorrectly regarded as a label.
2. Cannot work with Flat add-on if it is placed below the latter.
3. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Improve message and input boxes.
Find files
Information search
Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Cannot show hidden items according to tab setting.
2. Validate location to avoid strange result.
3. The file list does not show after data retrieval, if the pane is inactive.
4. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
1. Use specified icon for result list.
2. Let user search a query result, e.g. Label and Badge.
3. Select name field when the dialog box shows.
Empty folder Patch* + Enhancement Patch
1. Ensure the search location is a file folder to avoid strange result.
2. Disable multiple folder search to avoid strange info in address bar.
3. Search a hidden folder only if "Include hidden items" on Options > List page is YES.
4. If a user cancels a search, a non-empty folder may incorrectly show in the result list.
5. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
1. Translate "rmdir".
2. Default to a command button.
Everything Patch* 1. In a breadcrumbs address bar, the result list is incorrectly shown after a drive, not the searched folder.
2. Menu option does not work if configured so.
3. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Flat Patch* 1. Cannot show hidden items according to tab setting.
2. Use the same icon for button and tab.
3. After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Clip folder Patch* + Enhancement Patch
After changing a List option, the file list becomes blank.
Improve message and input boxes.
Show hash Patch 1. Keyboard does not work before the dialog box is clicked (IE11).
2. Cannot work on ZIP and CAB.
Change file attributes Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Should not show any item that does not have file attribute.
2. Disable entries of drives and items in ZIP which cannot be changed.
3. Keyboard does not work before the dialog box is clicked (WebView).
1. Let user cancel if any item cannot be updated.
2. Improve message and input boxes.
Up Patch Inner (right / bottom / bottom right) button should be grayed out when the tab is Desktop. 2024/05/22
Switch hidden items Patch + Enhancement Patch
If tab context command is chosen from an inactive pane, it is not necessary to activate the pane.
Show current tab state by button color and menu item check mark.
Rename dialog plus Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Incorrect item name with Windows Search result list or libarary.
2. Missing item name extension with a TE result list.
1. After the error message box is closed, the field (name / extension) in error should better be focused for re-input. AO-77
2. Improve message and input boxes.
Rename dialog box Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. File name on dialog box should not be translated.
2. When , or ; is entered, TE incorrectly prompts an error and rejects the rename. AO-77
Improve message and input boxes.
Change the timestamp Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Should not show the menu option for root drives and network shares.
2. Prompt the user if any item cannot be updated.
1. Let you choose the fields to change.
2. Improve message and input boxes.
Change the Date modified Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Does not work on a Windows Search result list.
2. Should not show the menu option for non-file-system item.
3. Prompt the user if any item cannot be updated.
Improve message and input boxes.
Change tab name Patch + Enhancement* Patch
Tab / file name on dialog box should not be translated.
Improve message and input boxes.
Add all tabs to favorites
Wildcard selection
Enhancement* Improve message and input boxes. 2024/05/09
Tool bar Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. If Height is not specified, an icon from a file should be resized according to Options > General.
2. Problems upon adding items by drag-n-drop:
- Item name may not match with that on tab for a query.
- ZIP file gets type Exec.
- Only works for the first button.
3. With WebView, after clicking a button of a command invoking a menu, an error occurs, or the menu is off position. TE-740
1. Multiple tool bars. TE-722 TE-333
2. Options page:
- Show menu hierarchy by indentation.
- New button to create a sub-menu of selected items.
- Move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
3. Full height separator line. TE-583
4. Improve + button.
Link bar Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. If Options of an item is empty,
- script error (IE11)
- the bar does not show (WebView)
2. For Type Exec and "Selected Items", may not show a correct icon.
3. Problems upon adding items by drag-n-drop:
- Item name may not match with that on tab for a query.
- ZIP file gets type Exec.
4. With WebView, after clicking a button of a command invoking a menu, an error occurs, or the menu is off position.
1. Multiple link bars. TE-684
2. Options page:
- Show menu hierarchy by indentation.
- New button to create a sub-menu of selected items.
- Move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
3. Full height separator line.
4. Improve landing field. TE-694
5. Let you specify default size for all icons on the bar.
6. Let user choose the format of a system folder path when such a button is added by drag-n-drop.
7. Opt out button names. TE-590
Open instead Patch* + Enhancement Patch
1. Missing selection when "Prevent duplicate tabs" or "Open the same locked tab instead" add-on is enabled. TE-653 AO-345
2. Missing selection if "Take over the Explorer view" has been opted out.
3. Grouping view delays for over 10 seconds.
4. Windows Search result list unexpectedly goes back to TE after "Open in Explorer".
5. TE unexpectedly shuts down after changing some options or choosing "Reload customize".
6. "Unspecified error" occurs if many (exceeds 8) Explorer windows are opened at the same time.
Turns on "Normal folder" and "Special folder" by default.
Import Explorer Patch* 1. Missing selection when "Prevent duplicate tabs" or "Open the same locked tab instead" add-on is enabled.
2. Missing selection if "Take over the Explorer view" has been opted out.
3. Grouping view delays for over 10 seconds.
4. If the button or menu option on an inactive pane is clicked, Explorer windows will incorrectly be imported onto the current pane.
Inner Back
Inner Forward
Patch* + Enhancement Right-click menu:
1. Item name does not match with that on tab for several query add-ons.
2. After TE restart, local folder names and library names are in an incorrect format.
Shift+Right-Click to show item paths.
Jump list Patch + Enhancement Patch
1. After entering a path, name should default to display name of the path, instead of its type. AO-190
2. After "Get the current folder view" button is clicked:
- Name should default to display name of the path.
- Last specified icon should be reset.
1. Re-position buttons to the right of their related text boxes to avoid confusion.
2. Find a relevant icon for a query.
Count bar Patch 1. If a folder is unavailable, the bar incorrectly shows the count before switching tab.
2. The bar shows strange "(null) item" during data retrieval.
3. If the add-on is placed at both "Title bar" and an "Internal" bar, the bar may incorrectly show the count from an inactive pane.
4. The bar unexpectedly becomes empty:
- after settings reloaded.
- if a folder on an inactive pane is empty.
- sometimes after TE starts (WebView), if the bar is inner.
Open the same locked tab instead Enhancement Opt to ignore lock status and tabs with name filter in effect. 2024/04/28
Sync select Patch + Enhancement Patch
If there are 3 or more panes, folder paths will unexpectedly change after clicking a > button.
1. Allow the button be placed in an "Internal" bar. AO-361
2. Compact dialog window
Background image Patch 1. Script error when TE starts up. AO-369
2. Does not work upon navigation when Show Frames is on.
3. Image is not cleared when the add-on is disabled.
Favorites Patch With WebView, tab context command and mouse gesture to an inactive pane incorrectly works on another pane. 2024/04/23
Tab plus Enhancement Activate the pane and show Favorites menu when the mouse pointer is on the + button. "Favorites" add-on is required. TE-690 2024/04/23
Quick notes Patch + Enhancement Patch
With WebView, on Options page, faces of Browse buttons for existing records is not changed to Segoe font icon.
1. Let user choose the location of the button.
2. Let user add menu separator lines and breaks.
Frame plus Added Take control of panes under Frame mode TE-743 2024/04/21
Tooltip preview Patch + Enhancement Patch
Incorrect file info if the item is a shortcut (.lnk) or a symbolic link.
Opt out file info.
Preview window
Patch + Enhancement Patch
1. When "Show frames" is ON, the add-on does not work upon focused item change ("Mouse" option ticked).
2. Incorrect file info if the item is a shortcut (.lnk) or a symbolic link.
1. In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option.
2. Options: Press "Default" button to copy placeholder into "Play" text box.
Preview in background Patch + Enhancement Patch
When "Show frames" is ON, the add-on does not work upon focused item change ("Mouse" option ticked).
1. In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option.
2. Indicate function status with button color and menu item check mark. AO-142
Full path bar Enhancement In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option. 2024/03/28
Multiple executions Enhancement* 1. Opt to open a folder in current window. TE-732
2. /nw switch to force a new window.
3. Multiple lines of Options for "Open in new window" command.
Enhancement* Options page:
1. Show menu hierarchy by indentation.
2. Move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
Folder settings Patch + Enhancement* Patch
Error upon a CAB file sorted by path or an empty library.
Options: move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
Fixed tab name Patch + Enhancement* Patch
Tab / file name on dialog box should not be translated.
Improve message and input boxes.
Change tab color Enhancement* Improve message and input boxes. 2024/01/18
Title bar
Grab bar
Enhancement Opt to show full path of current tab. AO-86 2024/01/11
QuickLook Patch + Enhancement Patch
When "Show frames" is ON, the add-on does not work upon focused item change ("Mouse" option ticked).
In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option.
Remember folder view settings Patch 1. Sometimes all folder views are lost after:
- using a custom sort (e.g. Mixed sort) AO-217
- drag-and-drop an item within a file list AO-193
2. Error upon:
- navigate away from a CAB file sorted by path
- navigate to an empty library
3. Show defaults of Filter * and Disable - as placeholders. AO-156
Copy folder settings
Take over folder view settings
Patch Error upon a CAB file sorted by path or an empty library. 2023/11/19
Retouch Patch 1. Validate input data to avoid script errors. AO-81
2. Do not show the window if no image can be generated from selected item.
Startup settings
Run at setup
Run on exit
Patch Cannot show up a relevant menu or dialog box upon Browse button pressed. TE-666 2023/11/05
Between files and folders Patch Incorrectly jump to the second file. AO-366 2023/10/30
Color labels Revert Clumsy way to cancel color labels. Revert to version 1.09 to solve the problem. TE-674

Hello, ccfs. Thank you very much for these patches.
In the toolbar the vertical dividers look longer. However, in the favorites bar you see "duplicates", the old separator and the new one, as the image shows. What could be the problem?
Already solved!! I installed the "Horizontal Favorites bar" patch, replaced the files in the favbar folder and that's it! Thank you.

ccfs commented

This is a backup of the patch to TE230913.

TE / add-on Change Issue Solved Updated
TE230913 Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Script error if icon size exceeds 48 in certain cases. TE-708
2. Disable changing "Base" of "Default" and "Alias" to prevent from TE malfunction. TE-675
3. Folder menus unexpectedly show hidden items in a ZIP file or a result list even when "Include hidden" is NO.
4. Icon problems regarding network:
* Incorrect icons on menus and add-ons for network files and printers.
* Missing icons on menu items with Type "Exec" and "Selected Items".
* Add-ons changing icons do not work on menus and other add-ons.
5. Incorrect icon on menus for any group open item.
6. After a custom sort, focus the first item if there is not any selection before sorting.
7. Standalone add-on options window with a record list and a record detail: changes on other tabs (e.g. Position) do not work. AO-357
8. When a ZIP file is added to Favorites, its Type should be Open.
9. "Open file location", "Open containing folder" and command line switch "/select":
Problems with "Prevent duplicate tabs" and "Open the same locked tab instead" add-on:
(a) Missing item selection after switching to an existing tab
(b) Prior selection may not be canceled
10. Minor appearance changes.
1. Let user enter a filter for icon search.
2. Options page:
- Show menu hierarchy by indentation. TE-593
- New button to create a sub-menu of selected items.
- Move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
Horizontal Favorites bar Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Script error if Options of an item is empty.
2. For Type Exec and "Selected Items":
* may not show a correct icon.
* may not show context menu items.
3. Translate tip pop-ups.
1. Can be placed in an inner bar. TE-690
2. Full height separator line.
3. Opt out button names.
4. Hide button names by .favbarlabel { display: none; } ("User style sheet" add-on).
Link bar Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Script error if Options of an item is empty.
2. For Type Exec and "Selected Items", may not show a correct icon.
3. Problems upon adding items by drag-n-drop:
- Item name may not match with that on tab for a query.
- ZIP file gets type Exec.
1. Multiple link bars. TE-684
2. Options page:
- Show menu hierarchy by indentation.
- New button to create a sub-menu of selected items.
- Move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
3. Full height separator line.
4. Improve landing field. TE-694
5. Let you specify default size for all icons on the bar.
6. Let user choose the format of a system folder path when such a button is added by drag-n-drop.
7. Opt out button names. TE-590
Tool bar Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. If Height is not specified, an icon from a file should be resized according to Options > General.
2. Problems upon adding items by drag-n-drop:
- Item name may not match with that on tab for a query.
- ZIP file gets type Exec.
- Only works for the first button.
1. Multiple tool bars. TE-722 TE-333
2. Options page:
- Show menu hierarchy by indentation.
- New button to create a sub-menu of selected items.
- Move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
3. Full height separator line. TE-583
4. Improve + button.
Favorites bar Patch 1. Script error if Options of an item is empty.
2. For Type Exec and "Selected Items":
* may not show a correct icon.
* may not show context menu items.
3. Translate tip pop-ups.
4. Cannot resolve environment variables in item names.
Multiple executions Enhancement* 1. Opt to open a folder in current window. TE-732
2. /nw switch to force a new window.
3. Multiple lines of Options for "Open in new window" command.
Enhancement* Options page:
1. Show menu hierarchy by indentation.
2. Move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
Folder settings Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
Error upon a CAB file sorted by path or an empty library.
Options: move selected items by Alt+Click destination.
Items count Patch* 1. The counts disappear after settings reloaded.
2. Incorrectly counts hidden items if the folder is under a ZIP file and "Include hidden" is NO.
Inner Back
Inner Forward
Patch* + Enhancement Right-click menu:
1. Item name does not match with that on tab for several query add-ons.
2. After TE restart, drive volumes, local folder names and library names are in an incorrect format.
Shift+Right-Click to show item paths.
Blank page Patch Back/Forward button menus and address bars cannot show the same name as on tab. TE-466 2024/02/16
Speed Dial Patch 1. Back/Forward button menus and address bars cannot show the same name as on tab.
2. Use a more suitable icon and tab name.
About remember Patch* 1. Error upon a CAB file sorted by path or an empty library.
2. Back/Forward button menus and address bars cannot show the same name as on tab.
3. Use a more suitable icon.
Jump list Patch + Enhancement Patch
1. After entering a path, name should default to display name of the path, instead of its type. AO-190
2. After "Get the current folder view" button is clicked:
* Last specified icon should be cleared.
* If current tab is a result list, name should default to tab name.
1. Re-position buttons to the right of their related text boxes to avoid confusion.
2. Find a relevant icon for a query.
Everything Patch 1. In a breadcrumbs address bar, the result list is incorrectly shown after a drive, not the searched folder.
2. Menu option does not work if configured so.
Empty folder Patch + Enhancement Patch
1. Ensure the search location is a file folder to avoid strange result.
2. Disable multiple folder search to avoid strange info in address bar.
3. Search a hidden folder only if "Include hidden items" on Options > List page is YES.
4. If a user cancels a search, a non-empty folder may incorrectly show in the result list.
1. Translate "rmdir".
2. Default to a command button.
Count bar Patch 1. If a folder is unavailable, the bar incorrectly shows the count before switching tab.
2. The bar shows strange "(null) item" during data retrieval.
3. If the add-on is placed at both "Title bar" and an "Internal" bar, the bar may incorrectly show the count from an inactive pane.
Find files
Information search
Patch* + Enhancement* Patch
1. Cannot show hidden items according to tab setting.
2. Validate location to avoid strange result.
1. Use specified icon for result list.
2. Let user search a query result, e.g. Label and Badge.
Flat Patch* 1. Cannot show hidden items according to tab setting.
2. Use the same icon for button and tab.
History Patch 1. Removed item re-appears after TE restarts.
2. Use specified icon for result list.
Entered history Patch Removed item re-appears after TE restarts. 2024/01/29
Switch hidden items Enhancement Show current state by button color and menu item check mark. 2024/01/29
Badge Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. "Portable" check box does not work.
2. Cannot work with Flat add-on if it is placed below the latter.
Improve message and input boxes.
Label Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. If "Portable" is ticked, saved drive letter is incorrectly regarded as a label.
2. Cannot work with Flat add-on if it is placed below the latter.
Improve message and input boxes.
Change file attributes Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Should not show any item that does not have file attribute.
2. Disable drives and items in ZIP which cannot be changed.
1. Let user cancel if any item cannot be updated.
2. Improve message and input boxes.
Rename dialog plus Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Incorrect item name with Windows Search result list or libarary.
2. Missing item name extension with a TE result list.
1. After the error message box is closed, the field (name / extension) in error should better be focused for re-input. AO-77
2. Improve message and input boxes.
VBS InputBox Patch* Does not work due to TypeError 2024/01/21
Rename dialog box Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. File name on dialog box should not be translated.
2. When , or ; is entered, TE incorrectly prompts an error and rejects the rename. AO-77
Improve message and input boxes.
Change tab name
Fixed tab name
Duplicate copy
Virtual name
Patch + Enhancement* Patch
Tab / file name on dialog box should not be translated.
Improve message and input boxes.
Change the timestamp Patch + Enhancement* Patch
Prompt the user if any item cannot be updated.
1. Let you choose the fields to change.
2. Improve message and input boxes.
Change the Date modified Patch + Enhancement* Patch
1. Does not work on a Windows Search result list.
2. Should not show the menu option for non-file-system item.
3. Prompt the user if any item cannot be updated.
Improve message and input boxes.
Add all tabs to favorites
Clip folder
Change tab color
Wildcard selection
Enhancement* Improve message and input boxes. 2024/01/18
Background image Patch 1. Script error when TE starts up. AO-369
2. Does not work upon navigation when Show Frames is on.
3. Image is not cleared when the add-on is disabled.
Title bar
Grab bar
Enhancement Opt to show full path of current tab. AO-86 2024/01/11
Full path bar Enhancement In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option. 2024/01/09
Preview window
Patch + Enhancement Patch
When "Show frames" is ON, the add-on does not work upon focused item change ("Mouse" option ticked).
1. In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option.
2. Options: Press "Default" button to copy placeholder into "Play" text box.
Preview in background Patch + Enhancement Patch
When "Show frames" is ON, the add-on does not work upon focused item change ("Mouse" option ticked).
1. In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option.
2. Indicate function status with button color and menu item check mark. AO-142
QuickLook Patch + Enhancement Patch
When "Show frames" is ON, the add-on does not work upon focused item change ("Mouse" option ticked).
In the case of multiple selection, the add-on should better work on a newly selected item, disregarding "Process selected items in sequence" option.
Quick notes Enhancement 1. Let user choose the location of the button.
2. Let user add menu separator lines and breaks.
Open the same locked tab instead Enhancement Opt to ignore lock status. 2023/12/24
Tab plus Enhancement Activate the pane and show Favorites menu when the mouse pointer is on the + button. "Favorites" add-on is required. TE-690 2023/12/20
Open instead Patch* + Enhancement Patch
1. Missing selection when "Prevent duplicate tabs" or "Open the same locked tab instead" add-on is enabled. TE-653 AO-345
2. Duplicated tabs. TE-691
3. Windows Search result list unexpectedly goes back to TE after "Open in Explorer".
4. TE unexpectedly shuts down after changing some options or choosing "Reload customize".
Turns on "Normal folder" by default.
Remember folder view settings Patch* 1. Sometimes all folder views are lost after:
* using a custom sort (e.g. Mixed sort) AO-217
* drag-and-drop an item within a file list AO-193
2. Error upon:
* navigate away from a CAB file sorted by path
* navigate to an empty library
3. Show defaults of Filter * and Disable - as placeholders. AO-156
Copy folder settings
Take over folder view settings
Patch* Error upon a CAB file sorted by path or an empty library. 2023/11/19
Sync select Patch + Enhancement Patch
If there are 3 or more panes, folder paths will unexpectedly change after clicking a > button.
1. Allow the button be placed in an "Internal" bar. AO-361
2. Compact dialog window (run SwitchDialog.cmd once)
Retouch Patch 1. Validate input data to avoid script errors. AO-81
2. Do not show the window if no image can be generated from selected item.
Startup settings
Run at setup
Run on exit
Patch* Cannot show up a relevant menu or dialog box upon Browse button pressed. TE-666 2023/11/05
Between files and folders Patch Incorrectly jump to the second file. AO-366 2023/10/30
Import Explorer Patch* Sometimes does not work when "Prevent duplicate tabs" or "Open the same locked tab instead" add-on is enabled. 2023/10/28
Color labels Patch Clumsy way to cancel color labels. Revert to version 1.09 to solve the problem. TE-674