
Suggestion in the submenus

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello Gaku. I have a suggestion for the Favorites bar and link bar submenus. I have created the submenu you see on the screenshot.

Submenu favoritos

When entering the Favorites settings, you can see a uniform list, where Menu/Open, Menu/Close and folders cannot be distinguished. I marked them on the screenshot below.

Submenu lista

My suggestion is that the Menu/Open and Menu/Close have a background color, which allows them to be differentiated from the folders, as seen in the following screenshot. Those colors can be default by Tablacus or custom.

Submenu lista fondo color

Is it possible to do something like that? Thank you.

Another option would be to use a tree format, or use indentation for folders and subfolders, as in the image.


ccfs commented

I have enhanced TE with the last suggestion. You can download the modified version here.

He mejorado TE con la última sugerencia. Puedes descargar la versión modificada aquí.

Excellent ccfs. That is exactly the desired behavior for the favorites menu and submenu. Thank you very much for this patch!!