
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Lightweight express-like routing for discord bots

This acts as a wrapper to discord.js, but provides support for middleware-style routing for discord.js events.


See /example/mainWithHelpers.js for more. This example uses ES6 imports to import all the helpers, but see below for examples without this.

import * as DiscoExpress from 'discoexpress';
import { ignoreSelf, contentMatches, reply, requireRole, withArgs } from 'discoexpress'; // Optionally import helpers

var app = new DiscoExpress()
  .on("ready", () => console.log("Bot ready"))
  .on("disconnected", () => console.log("Disconnected"))

  // Log all messages that come through, then continue to other handlers.
  .on("message", () => {
    console.log("Got message:", msg.content);

  // Ignore messages from myself - don't call any handlers after this one
  // if the message author is this bot
  .on("message", ignoreSelf)

  // Reply to the message "!ping" with "pong!"

  // Reply can take a function as an argument, and contentMatches can take a regexp
    reply(() => Math.random() < 0.5 ? "Heads" : "Tails")

  // This message will never be reached, because the !flip handler above will always
  // catch the message "!fliptable"
    reply("No don't flip tables")

  // See /src/helpers for all the helpers available, and see the examples below for
  // writing your own handlers
    requireRole(["admin", "mod"]),
    reply("you just used a mod command!", true)

  // A more complicated example
    contentMatches(/!setcolor ([^\s]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})$/),  // Only accept role names without spaces, for simplicity
    withArgs((args, bot, msg, next) => {
      var roleName = args[1];
      var color = args[2];

      var role = msg.channel.server.roles.get('name', roleName);

      bot.updateRole(role, {
        color: parseInt(color, 16)
      }, function(err, role){
        if(err) return bot.reply(msg, "Failed to update role color: " + err.message);
        bot.reply(msg, "Role " + role.name + " updated!");


Example without DiscoExpress helpers

See /example/main.js for more.

var DiscoExpress = require('discoexpress');
var app = new DiscoExpress();

app.on("ready", () => console.log("Bot ready"));
app.on("disconnected", () => console.log("Disconnected :("));

app.on("message", (bot, msg, next) => {
  // Ignore messages from myself
  // If next is not called, none of the handlers past this point get called!
  if(msg.sender.id != bot.user.id) return next();

app.on("message", (bot, msg, next) => {
  // This handler gets called, and then always continues to the next one
  console.log("Got message:", msg.content);
  return next();

app.on("message", (bot, msg, next) => {
  // The message "!fliptable" will match both this handler AND the "!flip" handler!
  // Put this one first, to match the more specific of the two, and then do
  // not call next. This way the !flip handler never runs redundantly.
  if(msg.content == "!fliptable"){
    bot.reply(msg, "No don't flip tables");

app.on("message", (bot, msg, next) => {
  // If the !fliptable handler matched, it never gets to this point, so the
  // bot won't reply twice.
    bot.reply(msg, (Math.random() < 0.5) ? "Heads" : "Tails");

// Other events can be routed the same way.
app.on("serverNewMember", (bot, server, user, next) => {
  console.log("Logging new member join:", user.name);
  return next();
app.on("serverNewMember", (bot, server, user, next) => {
  // Greet the user in the general channel.
  bot.sendMessage(server.id, "Welcome " + user + "!");
  return next();


Advanced Routes

Passing multiple handlers to app.on will create a subroute. A subroute can have its own middleware. This can be useful, for example, to make a subroute where only people with the role "Moderator" can run the commands.

A subroute can be broken out of with next(false).

// Multiple handlers can be given to one call of app.on(). This will create a
// sub-route, which can be broken out of by calling next(false);
var requireMod = require('discoexpress-require-role')(["Moderator", "Admin"]);
app.on("message", requireMod, (bot, msg, next) => {
  // Only users with a role named "Moderator" or "Admin" can run this command!
  if(msg.content == "!modcmd"){
    bot.reply(msg, "A moderator ran this command!");

// Alternatively, you can create subroutes manually!
var subroute = new DiscoExpress.Route();
subroute.route((bot, msg, next) => {
    return next();
    // call next(false) to break from a subroute, and continue processing the parent route.
    return next(false);
subroute.route((bot, msg, next) => {
  // Should only get to this route if command starts with !times2, as per the handler above this.
  // Make sure ignoreself middleware is enabled, or this message will trigger itself repeatedly!
  bot.sendMessage(msg.channel, msg.content + msg.content);
app.on("message", subroute);