
a vanilla monorepo based on lerna 6

Primary LanguageHCL

Vanilla Monorepo

In this we aim to create a vanilla monorepo that includes the following features:

  1. Based on Lerna v6 using Nx build tool
  2. Built in test harness/design pattern
  3. Project settings
  4. Environment variables management
  5. Terraform pipeline actions to build infrastructure on AWS
  6. Development packages to wrap production packages
  7. Production packages
  8. Package and deploy

To get going, clone this repo and run yarn.

Repo structure

Root directory structure

├── aerstudios-project.json  <- project settings edit this first (START HERE)
├── devops-tools             <- scripts and packages to assist in devops
├── jest.config.js           <- jest test harness/pattern
├── lerna.json               <- lerna specific settings
├── package.json             <- main node package, review this for scripts
├── packages                 <- project specific packages
├── README.md                <- this readme, please keep it updated
├── terraform                <- all TF config and modules are here
├── tsconfig.base.json       <- the base settings for typescript
├── .gitignore               <- files we don't want in git (hidden)
├── .git                     <- git working directory (hidden)
├── .github                  <- github config such as github actions (hidden)
└── yarn.lock                <- yarn dependencies (make sure you commit this)

A tyical node package layout

├── devops-tools
│   └── env-manager                 <- typical node package 
│       ├── env-cmdrc.template.json <- json files can exist and be imported
│       ├── index.ts                <- an index file ususally exports functions/modules 
│       ├── package.json            <- start here to navigate a package
│       ├── __tests__               <- all tests should be within __tests__ dir
│       │   └── env-manager.test.ts <- typical test file
│       ├── tsconfig.json           <- the main tsconfig for build, extends base in root
│       └── tsconfig.test.json      <- extends build tsconfig, includes __tests__ dir

Environment Variables

  • The environment variables are managed within the aerstudios-project.json.
  • Some environment vars are created dynamically from values in this file
  • There is an environmentVars object in this file where all the development environment vars should be added
  • The environment vars are created by the devops-tools/env-manager package
  • The env-manager creates a .env in the root project dir but this file shouldn't be edited directly
  • Instead the command yarn genEnvVars <env1> <env2> should be run to generate the development env vars -- an example might be yarn genEnvVars development tf-int
  • When lerna and NX commands are run the env files should

Applicable envs to pass into yarn genEnvVars are defined in the aerstudios-project.json

  • Any main key in the environmentVars can be used
  • One terraform environment can be used in the format tf-<env> where <env> is any one value out of the environments array.

If you must you can override the global .env file in any of these ways (suggest using .env.local in the root). https://nx.dev/recipes/environment-variables/define-environment-variables


  1. Add a __tests__ dir to a package
  2. Add a tsconfig.test.json to the package extending tsconfig.json and adding "includes": ["./__tests__/*"]
  3. Edit jest.config.js in the root and copy an element in the projects array, updating it with the package paths
  4. Edit package.json in the root, add a script: "test:<package>": "jest --selectProjects <package-name>"
  5. Create some tests in __tests__ and run yarn test:<package>