
Hello, and welcome to the 'IsConfigMGRDead.Com' behind the scenes. First a little bit of history. This website originally started as a joke just before MMS back several years ago. At the time, it was just something silly I had done with GIT. I always wanted to come back to it but never did. I never finished updating it, and I never finished doing anything with it.

Enter Hugo. When I first learned about Hugo it was through a discord group called WinAdmins. I learned it was a much better way to setup and manage dynamic content. It was focused on Markdown with well developed controls that could be added. So I started to experiment and this is the result. I hope you like it.


One of the core reasons I wanted to start this was to allow other users and not just myself the oppurtunity to provide positive reasons why Configuration Manager, a platform that has served us for years should have something like this to remember it by. To that end this repo will accept pull requests. However, they will require a review by myself before they are merged.

To get something added to the site, simply add a new markdown file into the 'posts' section of the site located here https://github.com/JordanTheITGuy/Isconfigmgrdead.com-Hugo/tree/main/content/posts. It will need to observe the following format at the top.

title: "Name of the post"
date: DateTimeOfThePost
draft: false

You can then include media in the post from other sources if you so choose. However make sure you read up on how Hugo implements shortcodes https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/

Happy Contributing