
Audio External Manager for GameMaker Studio 2.3+

Primary LanguageGame Maker LanguageMIT LicenseMIT

audioExt v0.0.3

Sound External Loader/Unloader Manager for GameMaker Studio 2.3.1+

This library helps load/unload, assign and manage ogg/wav files into neat lil structs to quickly utilize.

Note: Only wavs currently support 3D audio. Ogg files are streamed in and do not have an option for 3D audio support support 3D audio out of the box Both wav and ogg files support 3D Audio. Additionally: As of 2.3.6 (maybe earlier), audio_exists() does not correctly return true for ogg files, due to an internal bug with audio streams. Instead, you should use audioExtSoundExists() and remove the ogg file with audioExtOggRemoveStream() from the database. Fixed as of 2.3.7.

Note: signed 16-bit and unsigned 8-bit are only supported for wav files.

Supported Platforms:

Windows MacOSX Linux iOS Android HTML5 Opera GX Xbox One UWP



Checks whether a valid ogg or wav struct exists with that name.

Returns: true/false.


Gets the sound struct from the list.

Returns: struct or undefined.


Gets the soundID from the list. If unloaded, will load in the sound first before passing the soundID.

Returns: soundID.

audioExtSoundLoad(name/audioStruct, ...)

Loads in the audioStruct. Multiple arguments can be provided for each sequential audio.

audioExtSoundUnload(name/audioStruct, [forced])

Unloads the audio.

Optional Argument: [forced] is default to false. On true, it will automatically unload the audio. Otherwise, it'll wait until the audio is done playing.


Unloads all currently loaded audio.

Optional Argument: [forced] is default to false. On true, it will automatically unload the audio. Otherwise, it'll wait until the audio is done playing.

audioExtSoundRemove(name/audioStruct, ...)

Removes the audioStruct from the database. Multiple arguments will remove multiple entries.


Returns whether the audio is loaded in or not.


Unloads all audio entries from memory.


A necessary function to include in the step event of your project.

audioExtOggAddStream(filename, [preload] [name])

Adds the ogg file as a streamable source. The audio must remain availabe at all times while it's currently in use.

Optional Argument: [preload] defaults to true. Adds an entry but doesn't actually load in the file.

Optional Argument: [name] defaults to the name of the file (excluding the extension).

Returns: struct or undefined.


Removes the ogg file, if one exists. Throws an error if it doesn't.

Optional Argument: [name] defaults to the name of the file (excluding the extension).

audioExtWavAddBuffer(buffer, name, [is3D], [filename])

Adds the wav file as a sound source from a buffer. The buffer itself is copied.

name is the name that you want audioExt to recongize it as.

Optional Argument: [is3D] defaults to false. Determines if the audio file is intended for 3D Audio. Otherwise uses whatever the wav format determines. (Mono/Stereo)

Optional Argument: [preload] defaults to false. Adds an entry but doesn't actually load in the file.

Optional Argument: [compressedInMemory] defaults to false. Compresses data in memory automatically. Note: If [preload] is set to true, it will copy the buffer, but quickly compresses down in memory. Making it "unloaded".

Optional Argument: [filename] defaults to "".

Returns: struct or undefined.

audioExtWavAddFile(filename, [is3D], [compressedInMemory], [name])

Adds the wav file as a sound source from a filename. As this audio is loaded and handled in memory, you do not need to keep the file around afterwards.

Optional Argument: [is3D] defaults to false. Determines if the audio file is intended for 3D Audio. Otherwise uses whatever the wav format determines. (Mono/Stereo)

Optional Argument: [preload] defaults to false. Adds an entry but doesn't actually load in the file.

Optional Argument: [compressedInMemory] defaults to false. Compresses data in memory automatically. Note: If [preload] is set to true, it will load in the file, but quickly compresses down in memory. Making it "unloaded".

Optional Argument: [name] defaults to the name of the file (excluding the extension).

Returns: struct or undefined.


Removes the wav file, if one exists. Throws an error if it doesn't.


Gets the name of all of the ogg files loaded in.

Returns: array


Gets the name of all of the wav files loaded in.

Returns: array

audioExtOggScan(filePath, [preload])

Scans all of the files within the chosen filePath and loads in any ogg files.

Optional Argument: [preload] defaults to false. Adds an entry but doesn't actually load in the file.

audioExtWavScan(filePath, [preload], [compressedInMemory])

Scans all of the files within the chosen filePath and loads in any wav files.

Optional Argument: [preload] defaults to false. Adds an entry but doesn't actually load in the file.

Optional Argument: [compressedInMemory] defaults to false. Compresses data in memory automatically. Note: If [preload] is set to true, it will copy the buffer, but quickly compresses down in memory. Making it "unloaded".

General Struct methods

.getSoundID() - Returns the SoundID from the struct. If unloaded, will load in the sound first before passing the soundID.

.getName() - Returns the name from the struct.

.getFileType() - Returns the filetype (wav/ogg) from the struct.

.getFileName() - Returns the filename from the struct.

.getChannel() - Returns the channel type from the struct.

.load() - Loads in the audio.

.unload([forced]) - Unloads the audio. If forced is set to true, it will automatically unload the audio. Otherwise, it'll wait until the audio is done playing.

Wav struct specific methods

.getBuffer() - Returns the bufferID from the struct.