
Word Template Plugin for PlantUML : draw UML from Word!


This repository contains the Word Template Add-in for PlantUML.

The PlantUML Word template allows using PlantUML directly from MS Word 2010/2013 on Windows (32/64 bit) without need to alter document templates or edit VBA macro's. MS Word Version 2007 may work, but is not tested.

Also tested in MS Word 2016, need to copy contents of "Template_Word_2016" folder. *Updated 20190502: Now MS Word 2016 accepts SVG images, you can try generating them by selecting "Vector Graphics ON" on PlantUML tab's Preferences.


First time:

  • install the right template version in Word
    • copy the (.dotm) file in to %appdata%\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP
    • note: .dotm = Word Doc Template (office 2007 and newer) with Macro's enabled
  • copy Plantuml.jar to %appdata%\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP folder
  • install GraphViz
    • https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/Download/Download_windows.html
      • use installer if you have rights to install applications; this will install graphviz in your program files (x86)
      • use zip for portable installation
        • extract in %appdata%\GraphViz
        • (executable is then in %appdata%\GraphViz\release\bin\dot.exe)
    • if alternative portable installation, please set environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT to location of DOT.EXE
  • restart Word. You now should have a PlantUML menu!


Once installed, a special menu (PlantUML) should be available in Word as tab "PlantUML"

Icon Description
P show paragraph marks
Show PlantUML reveal (green text) of PlantUML image sources (for editing)
Hide PlantUML hide source, just show generated pictures (before releasing a document for review/UCC)
UML.1 Generate current diagram (cursor in green PlantUML definition)
UML.* Generate all (note: this may take seconds up to a minute for 100+ pictures). Press Ctrl-Break to abort.

Note: If you share a Word Document with someone that does not have this Add-in installed, they will see the PlantUML source as well as the diagram.


For convenience, the current VBA module are listed in the current repository:

  • GDIHanling
  • PlantUML
  • PlantumlFTP
  • Registry
  • ShellUtil

This allows to clearly follow VBA code changes over versions.