
Analyse your Freetrade or Trading 212 account activity and calculate capital gains and cost basis in accordance with the HMRC share identification rules.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Continuous integration check on the main branch


You can use investir to view the stock buying and selling orders placed with an investment platform, dividends paid out, interest on cash received, cash deposits or withdraws made, cost basis of the current holdings, and the realised capital gains (or losses) calculated in accordance to the HMRC share identification rules.

A CSV file with your account activity is required as input. This file can be exported from your investment platform. Only the Freetrade and Trading 212 platforms are supported, but the code is structured in a way that simplifies adding support for more.

The Yahoo Finance API is used to find the share sub-division or share consolidation events executed for a given company, and that information is taken into account when calculating the capital gains.


The reporting provided by this software is intended for informational purposes only, and it should not be relied upon for any serious tax related matter, such as filling the Self Assessment tax return. The author of this software is not a tax accountant or has any affinity with tax law. The information provided can be erroneous or not correct for your specific circumstances.


This software is not distributed on the Python Package Index (PyPI). You will have to install it from its source which can be achieved by cloning this repo and executing the following command:

pip3 install --user --editable .


Some examples in how to use this software are described next.

View the stock buying and selling orders placed:

investir orders data/freetrade.csv

View the stock sell orders for Microsoft placed in the 2021/2022 tax year:

investir orders --tax-year 2021 --ticker MSFT --disposals data/freetrade.csv

View the dividends paid out:

investir dividends data/freetrade.csv

View the dividends paid out by Microsoft:

investir dividends --ticker MSFT data/freetrade.csv

View the interest on cash paid out:

investir interest data/freetrade.csv

View the cash deposits and cash withdrawals made:

investir transfers data/freetrade.csv

View the capital gains or losses:

investir capital-gains data/freetrade.csv

View the capital gains or losses for the 2021/2022 tax year:

investir capital-gains --tax-year 2021 data/freetrade.csv

View the capital losses for any tax year:

investir capital-gains --losses data/freetrade.csv

View the cost basis of the current holdings:

investir holdings data/freetrade.csv

View the cost basis for the Microsoft holding and show the average cost per share as well:

investir holdings --ticker MSFT --show-avg-cost data/freetrade.csv

Use the -h option for a subcommand view all the available options and filters.

Multiple CSV files can be used as input, including from different investment platforms.


  • No special handling takes place for the accumulation class of shares for an investment fund, where income from dividends or interest are automatically reinvested back into the fund. This means that in practice you might have to pay more tax on your income and less tax on capital gains when you sell the fund than what is reported.

  • Multi-currency accounts in Trading 212 are not supported and the program will terminate if encounters transactions whose base currency is not in pound sterling (GBP). These transactions can be ignored instead by using the --no-strict option in the command line.