
The final project of bachelor degree in computer engineering.

Primary LanguageRuby

Information System for Cane Trading Management

My Senior Project

This is my senior project for group of two people for computer engineering.

Why this project ?

Thailand is a top agriculture country, which exports the agriculture plants in the world. One of the industrial plant is canes. The reasons that make canesignificant for economy is caneis the main ingredient for sugar and sugar is the ingredient of most foods and drinks. We all consume sugar in our everydaylife. Therefore, caneis imperative. By the way, the canemarket currently not efficient as much as it supposed tobe. This leads exploit problems among canefarmers. Then the canefarmers turn to plant others instead, which leads to reducing of canegoods and effect significantly to the country economic.

Therefore, we would like to develop the communication channel to manage canetrading in the form of a web application to help canefarmer and traders have an opportunity to found each other and make the deal in their desirable price. This communication channel would make the canetrading faster, more efficient, correctly and fairer. The channel composes of users, notification system, offering system, review system and message system.


  • Programming Language: Ruby, HTML (ERB template), Javascript
  • Framework: Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap CSS
  • Libraries: jQuery (for UI and AJAX), OmniAuth (for Single sign on via Facebook and Google), Minitest (for Unit testing) and ImageMagick (for Image management)
  • Repository: Github
  • Documentation: Thai Version

Presentation Video (Thai Version)


Example of Web application

  • Home Page (User isn't login)

Home page (Not login)

  • Home Page (User is logged in)

Click open button

  • Sign Up Page

Sign up page

  • User Profile Page

User profile page

  • Create a New Cane Purchase Announcement Page

Create a new cane purchase announcement page

  • Create a New Cane Sale Announcement Page

Create a new cane sale announcement page

  • Announcement Details Page: View an announcement details and create an offer.

Announcement details page

  • User's Announcement Page: View all user's cane purchase announcement.

User's Announcement Page

  • Data Analysis Page: View trends of cane price.

Data Analysis Page