
sparse inverse problem

Primary LanguagePython

Log-penalty-regularized sparse inverse

My exercise on Python/Numpy/PyUblas/Boost and sparse regularization. Note that this program is far from optimal.


Problem setting

y = Ax + noise where y is an n dim vector, A is an n x m matrix, and x is an m dim vector where m < n. k elements of x are nonzero, and other m - k elements are exactly 0.

Given y and A we estimate the unknown vector x. (k and noise, and x of course, are unknown.)


This program solves the problem by minimizing following objective function.

U = || y - Ax ||_2^2 + w * sum_i (log (x_i^2 + e))

where w is the weight constant and e is a very small constant (such as 1e-300).

This program minimizes the objective function by coordinate descent. (By solving \partial U / \partial x_i = 0 w.r.t. x_i we can derive an updating rule for each coordinate.)



One should install following

Go to the cpp directory, and run the makefile


Then type following,

python run.py

Then two graphs will be displayed (compared with LASSO in scikit-learn)

  • sparseness-error plot
  • estimated x

Some trivial facts (memo for me)

Note that log penalty 1 + p/2 log (x^2 + exp(-2/p) ) approximates lp norm quite finely when p approx 0

Relevant Articles

  • G. Gasso and A. Rakotomamonjy and S. Canu "Recovering sparse signals with a certain family of non-convex penalties and DC programming" IEEE Trans Sig Proc, 57(12), pp. 4686-4698, 2009
  • R. Mazumder and J. Friedman and T. Hastie, "Sparse Net: Coordinage Descent with Non-Convex Penalties" 2009