
Lightweight bundles of PostgreSQL binaries with reduced size intended for testing purposes.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Embedded Postgres Binaries


This project provides lightweight bundles of PostgreSQL binaries with reduced size that are intended for testing purposes. It is a supporting project for the primary io.zonky.test:embedded-database-spring-test and io.zonky.test:embedded-postgres projects. However, with a little effort it can be also applicable with com.opentable:otj-pg-embedded and maybe some other projects.


  • Lightweight bundles of PostgreSQL binaries with reduced size (~10MB)
  • Embedded PostgreSQL 11+ binaries even for Linux platform
  • Configurable version of PostgreSQL binaries

All necessary dependencies are already included in these projects, so no further action is required. However, you can change the version of the postgres binaries by following the instructions described in Postgres version.

First, you have to add any of the available dependencies to your Maven configuration:


Then you need to implement a custom PgBinaryResolver:

public class CustomPostgresBinaryResolver implements PgBinaryResolver {
    public InputStream getPgBinary(String system, String architecture) throws IOException {
        ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource(format("postgres-%s-%s.txz", system, architecture));
        return resource.getInputStream();
Alpine variant
public class CustomPostgresBinaryResolver implements PgBinaryResolver {
    public InputStream getPgBinary(String system, String architecture) throws IOException {
        ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource(format("postgres-%s-%s-alpine_linux.txz", system, architecture));
        return resource.getInputStream();

And finally register it to the junit rule.

public SingleInstancePostgresRule pg = EmbeddedPostgresRules.singleInstance()
        .customize(builder -> builder.setPgBinaryResolver(new CustomPostgresBinaryResolver()));

Postgres version

The version of the postgres binaries can be managed by importing embedded-postgres-binaries-bom in a required version into your dependency management section.


A list of all available versions of postgres binaries is here: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.zonky.test.postgres/embedded-postgres-binaries-bom

Supported architectures

By default, only dependencies for amd64 architecture, in the io.zonky.test:embedded-database-spring-test and io.zonky.test:embedded-postgres projects, are included. Support for other architectures can be enabled by adding the corresponding Maven dependencies as shown in the example below.


Supported platforms: Darwin, Windows, Linux, Alpine Linux
Supported architectures: amd64, i386, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le

Note that not all architectures are supported by all platforms, look here for an exhaustive list of all available artifacts: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.zonky.test.postgres

Since PostgreSQL 10.0, there are additional artifacts with alpine-lite suffix. These artifacts contain postgres binaries for Alpine Linux with disabled ICU support for further size reduction.

Building from Source

The project uses a Gradle-based build system. In the instructions below, ./gradlew is invoked from the root of the source tree and serves as a cross-platform, self-contained bootstrap mechanism for the build.


Git, JDK 6 or later and Docker

Be sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the jdk1.6.0 folder extracted from the JDK download.

Compiling non-native architectures rely on emulation, so it is necessary to register qemu-*-static executables:

docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset

Note that the complete build of all supported architectures is now supported only on Linux platform.

Check out sources

git clone git@github.com:zonkyio/embedded-postgres-binaries.git

Make complete build

Builds all supported artifacts for all supported platforms and architectures, and also builds a BOM to control the versions of postgres binaries.

./gradlew clean install --parallel -Pversion=10.6.0 -PpgVersion=10.6

Note that the complete build can take a very long time, even a few hours, depending on the performance of the machine on which the build is running.

Make partial build

Builds only binaries for a specified platform/submodule.

./gradlew clean :repacked-platforms:install -Pversion=10.6.0 -PpgVersion=10.6

Build only a single binary

Builds only a single binary for a specified platform and architecture.

./gradlew clean install -Pversion=10.6.0 -PpgVersion=10.6 -ParchName=arm64v8 -PdistName=alpine

It is also possible to include the PostGIS extension by passing the postgisVersion parameter, e.g. -PpostgisVersion=2.5.2. Note that this option is not (yet) available for Windows and Mac OS platforms.

Optional parameters:

  • postgisVersion
    • default value: unset
    • supported values: a postgis version number (only 2.5.2+, 2.4.7+, 2.3.9+ versions are supported)
  • archName
    • default value: amd64
    • supported values: amd64, i386, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
  • distName
    • default value: debian-like distribution
    • supported values: the default value or alpine
  • dockerImage
    • default value: resolved based on the platform
    • supported values: any supported docker image
  • qemuPath


The project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.