Twitchy is a web application that utilize the Twitch API to display list of streams for a particular game. User can search streams for a game query and navigate through search results. The application is hosted at Twitchy and be available for review. When implemented, it follows some specific guidelines such as the following:
- Write a simple web app that hits the Twitch API URL
- Use JSONP when utilizing the Twitch API's
- Build the URL based on the query entered by the user in the search box shown in the mock
- Build out the list as shown
- All UI elements are mandatory and self-explanatory
- Feel free to add more/better UI, as long as you include the mandatory elements
- No frameworks like jQuery/AngularJS, please use vanilla JS to implement UX, hit the API and render content
If you've never used Node or npm before, you'll need to install Node. If you use homebrew, do:
brew install node
Clean all dependencies cache, if any
npm run app-clean
Remove node_modules
folder for a fresh build
npm run app-remove
Install all the needed development dependencies
npm run app-update
Boot up a local server for live editing
npm run serve
By default, the web application will show streams from the game "StarCraft" when first loaded. User can search for a game name in the query box and results will display accordingly
Pantoum is written and maintained by Minh Pham, and is licensed under MIT.