
My accepted submission for the first project in the Google/Udacity "Associate Android Developer Fast Track" course.

Primary LanguageJava

Popular Movies, Stage 1

My submission for the first project in the Google/Udacity "Associate Android Developer Fast Track" course.


To run this app, you will need to replace "your API key here" in the following section of AndroidManifest.xml --

                android:value="your API key here"/>

-- with your own TMDb API key.

Required TMDb attribution

(As my app doesn't at the moment have an "'About' or 'Credits. type section" I thought I would just put this in the readme for now.) From https://www.themoviedb.org/faq/api : "You shall use the TMDb logo to identify your use of the TMDb APIs. You shall place the following notice prominently on your application: 'This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.' Any use of the TMDb logo in your application shall be less prominent than the logo or mark that primarily describes the application and your use of the TMDb logo shall not imply any endorsement by TMDb. When attributing TMDb, the attribution must be within your application's 'About' or 'Credits. type section."