
A simple rock-paper-scissors JavaScript demo for the Santa Cruz Women's Javascript/FrontEnd Development Meetup

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A Simple Rock-Paper-Scissors JavaScript Demo

At the October meeting of the Santa Cruz Women's Javascript/FrontEnd Development Meetup, one member was demonstrating some browser debugging techniques, using a JavaScript rock-paper-scissors project she had done as an example. This led to some enthusiastic talk about everyone (who wanted to) writing their own simple JavaScript rock-paper-scissors projects to show at November's meeting, just to see all the different UI/coding approaches people would take.

This was my contribution, and I don't have too much to say about it other than that I decided to use unicode characters rather than text or images just because I imagined that there would be some reasonable unicode characters out there that I could use to represent rock, paper, and scissors, and was curious to see what I would find.

You can also see it online at http://tachyonlabs.com/rock-paper-scissors.html.