
Golang brown bag for technology team at Chronicle of Higher Education

Primary LanguageGo


Imagine a language that offers rapid development (Ruby, Python, PHP) and performance (C/C++). Go is that language it bridges rapid development and performance.


  • Fast - concurrency(use all cores), runs machine code
  • Statically Typed - fewer runtime errors, compiler checks
  • Safe - first-class error handling idioms, strong types
  • Portable - compiles to single executable, easy to deploy
  • Productive - tool + standard library + small = fun to write

Programming Paradigms

  • Imperative - Procedural - Series of steps e.g. PHP(multi), Python(multi), Go
  • Declarative - Functional - Function is first-class citizen, immutable e.g. Perl(multi), Erlang(concurrent), Haskell
  • Structured - Object Oriented - Model the world as objects e.g. Ruby(multi), Java(multi), C#(multi)


  • Gordon Moore - number of transistors doubles every 2yrs, “free lunch"
  • Gene Amdal - parallelized system runs as fast as its critical part, “weakest link”


  • Concurrency - multiple processes time slices of a shared resource e.g. cpu
  • Parallelism - multiple processes with own resource e.g. cpu

Hence Parallelism is a subset of Concurrency

Concurrency Models

  • Processor Threads - application has process with multiple threads which share resources communicate via locks
  • Events - emitter, event object, receiver
  • Callbacks and Promises - callback(return), promise(async)
  • Communicating Sequential Processes - actor, message


  • Hello World - to describe program parts. use Go Playground
  • Basic Server - show basic server and route handling
  • Letters - show goroutines
  • Relay - show goroutines with channels
  • Curl - simple complete program using libraries

Use cases

  • Web Services
  • APIs
  • System Programming - A2A applications

In the Wild

  • Buffalo - new innovative web framework
  • Docker - containers … containers … containers


Excellent Website:- Documents(Little Go Book, Effective Go), Tutorials(Go Tour, Go Playground), Talks, Wiki


  • Go Getting Started (Pluralsight)
  • On Track with Golang (Codeschool)
  • Go in Action (Manning)
  • Go Web Programming (Manning)