This is a complete Symfony bundle for running a light-weight photo browsing and sharing website on a PHP server.
The server may resize and prepare the previews and video streams or rely on existing previews generated on the end-user's computer. As the bundle is designed to work on low-powered devices, it is advised to install the additional helpers on the local computers to synchronise and prepare the image previews.
Packagist: Webelop/AlbumBundle
This bundle depends on Doctrine bundle, Symfony security, routing and Twig
Install the composer package:
composer require webelop/album-bundle
Adjust the configuration in
# Path to the pictures directory on the server WEBELOP_ALBUM_ROOT="/path/to/pictures" # Salt used to generate secure photos urls WEBELOP_SALT="A Not So Secret Salt. Change it!"
Adjust the bundle url prefix in
. Eg_webelop_album: resource: '@WebelopAlbumBundle/Resources/config/routes.xml' prefix: /album
Set-up security for the bundle in
. Eg:access_control: - { path: ^/album/manager, roles: ROLE_ADMIN } - { path: ^/album, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
Access the site at eg: http://localhost/album/manager
A shell utility which uses unison and helper modules to resize pictures, purge dropbox uploads or prepare video previews on the host computer.
When photosync is setup, computers in the household become master photo devices. Running photosync
synchronise a preset folder from any computer to the server and optionally prepare preview files. This allows the server
to be directly ready to serve the new images after successful sync.
refers to a nginx, php-fpm, mysql install which can be used to test the bundle.
# Start docker-compose as a daemon
bin/dcompose up -d
# Install composer dependencies
bin/dcomposer install
# Run bundle tests
bin/dcompose exec php vendor/bin/simple-phpunit
- eko/docker-symfony: a complete docker-composer image for running a symfony project
- unison: a two-way, ssh based sync utility. It must be installed and on the same version on both client and server.
Thanks for considering contributing to this project. You are very welcome to propose a PR!
You should first check locally that bin/all-tests
runs properly and ensure that any changes
leave the codebase as clean and secure as possible