Name Dot Com

January 2020 - Present


Homepage for keeping track of skills, personal projects, and code snippets


Development Roadmap

Part 1:

  • Setup GitHub Repository
  • Structure and configure front end with React
  • Add static JSON file with initial skills data
  • Setup AWS for static file server
  • Frame out initial layout in main React entry file
    • Abstract out utility functions into helpers
    • Abstract out appropriate portions of code into separate components, along with styling
      • Create NavBar component
      • Create Card component
      • Create SkillsList component
  • Design CSS styles for multiple breakpoints, starting at smallest view port
    • < 576px
    • ≥ 576px
    • ≥ 768px
    • ≥ 992px
    • ≥ 1200px
  • Add hover effects
  • Create function to handle scaling font size depending on character count
  • Begin writing documentation about the project in its current state

Part 2:

  • Add projects section
    • Create layout design to highlight each project
    • Create styling and color theme

Part 3:

  • Create area of webpage for code snippets
    • Design iframes to hold & run code examples
