1.environment python 3.5 scrapy 1.5 2.install pip install scrapy 3.explain in fact I dont know about spanish so in the csv ,I have all the column in , have fun 4.usage cd toctoc scrapy crawl toctoc -o output.csv if you want to search something use : scrapy crawl toctoc -a text=thewordyouwanttosearch if you want to compare with the old version edit toctoc/settings.py line19 COMPARE_FILE (better absolute path) then run scrapy crawl toctoc -a text=thewordyouwanttosearch -o output.csv there will be an another file named 'update.csv' include old and new info -o the file you want to output 5.params there are many params in the site, i can not list them all maybe you can find them in the chrome devtools and get the params then edit spiders/csvfeed.py line 90 to what you want 6. sorry about the carelessness . i have a stupid way to solve this problem . open you chrome devtools copy your request payload into the param.txt like this then run scrapy crawl toctoc -o x.csv