
An iterator-like collection library for doing Bing queries in Scala.

Primary LanguageScalaBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


or "why the heck is it so hard to issue web queries in a program?"

Bingerator is an easy-to-use library for doing Bing web and image queries in Scala.


The easiest way to get Bingerator is via Maven. If you're using SBT, you can simply add the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "net.ettinsmoor" %% "bingerator" % "0.2.4"

If you need a differently-configured build, or if binary releases bounce off of your tinfoil hat, I suggest that you checkout a copy of the source and see the build instructions.


Bingerator is very simple to use. It works much like an ordinary collection object in Scala. Specifically, a Stream collection. First, include Bingerator into your scope:

import net.ettinsmoor.Bingerator

Next, create a Bingerator object with your API key and then call the search function. The following example

val results1 = new Bingerator(key).SearchWeb("cowboy").take(150)

returns 150 search results (a Stream[WebResult]), where key is your Bing API key. Note that Bingerator performs the minimum amount of communication with Bing (a single transaction in the smallest case) required to satisfy your query because Stream is lazy. By contrast,

val results2 = new Bingerator(key).SearchWeb("cowboy").take(150).toList

immediately (i.e., "eagerly") calls Bing and returns 150 results (because we called toList at the end). The previous incantation will not call Bing until you read results1. Bingerator's laziness allows you to express a search result simply, without needing to worry about how big the collection should be until you use the results. Bingerator also caches results so that re-reading previous-retrieved results does not again retrieve new results. This is important because Bing counts each and every transaction against your monthly quota. Bingerator is presently configured to retrieve the maximum number of results per transaction (50) for maximum savings.

I Don't Get It. Can You Show Me How to use Bingerator in a for loop?


val b = new Bingerator(key)
val results = b.SearchWeb("The Lone Gunmen").take(5)
for (r <- results) {
  println("Result is: " + r.url)

Note that if you don't specify the number of search results using take, Bingerator will return up to 5000 results (the current cap). This is probably not what you want, since you have to pay for all 100 of those transactions. Only take what you need!

Getting the Source

There is nothing special here. I.e.,

git clone git@github.com:dbarowy/bingerator.git

Building the Library

Bingerator uses Scala's Simple Build Tool. Please make sure that you have SBT installed prior to following these directions. Bingerator has no dependencies other than Scala and Java.

To build a JAR that you can import into your Java/Scala classpath, cd into the bingerator folder and type

sbt package

On my machine, SBT creates the following JAR:


If you need to modify the build, e.g., to change the required Scala version, see the build.sbt buildfile.

Note on Bing Account Keys

Bing requires that users of the search API have Bing developer accounts. You will need to create one and give it to Bingerator when you ask for results. Microsoft uses this account to bill you for your usage. Note that as I write this (Jan 2, 2014), the lowest tier (fewer than 5000 transactions/mo) is free, but you do still need an account.

You can sign up here.

WebResult object

The return type of SearchWeb is a WebResult. WebResult has the following fields:

field name type description
description String The short caption that Bing provides for a result.
display_url String The same as url, except without the scheme name (e.g., http) and :// separator.
id String The Bing GUID identifying the result.
title String The name of the result.
url String The URL of the search result.

ImageResult object

The return type of SearchImage is an ImageResult. ImageResult has the following fields:

field name type description
content_type ContentType A ContentType case class.
display_url String The same as media_url, except without the scheme name (e.g., http) and :// separator.
file_size long The size, in bytes, of the file located at media_url
height int The height of the image, in pixels.
id String The Bing GUID identifying the result.
media_url String The direct URL of the image file itself.
source_url String The URL of the page that hosts the image file.
title String The name of the result.
width int The width of the image, in pixels.

ImageResult also has some helper methods to make it easy to work with image data. Note that getImage and saveImageFile share an image data cache.

method name arguments return type description
getImage none java.awt.image.BufferedImage This method will download the file and return it as a BufferedImage. Note that repeated calls to getImage return the same, cached image data.
saveImageFile an output file base name java.io.File This method will save the file using the user-supplied base name and return a java.io.File object. The file extension (e.g., ".jpg") is determined dynamically, based on the image's content_type. Note that saveImageFile will also download the file if needed, caching the image data as does getImage.


Why Don't You Support Other Bing SourceTypes, like News?

I plan to. I'll add them to this library as I need them.

Why Can't I Specify Bing Search Options Like Image Size?

I'm busy. Patches are always welcome, by the way.

Why Bing? Why Not Google Web Search?

Good question. I initially intended to build this tool against Google's Custom Search API. However, I eventually opted for Bing for the following reasons:

  1. Google's SDK is poorly documented.
  2. Google Custom Search can search the entire web (really!), but is extremely limited: only 100 queries per day.
  3. Opting to pay to upgrade to Google Site Search, which lifts the number of transactions you can perform, removes your ability to search the entire web.
  4. The old Google Web Search API, which actually does do what I want, is deprecated.

I could have worked around #1 by using the web API instead, which does come with acceptable documentation, but #2, #3, and #4 were dealbreakers for me. Bing's only shortcoming is that the MSDN documentation is kind of a mess, since it refers to previous versions of the Bing API. I eventually discovered the following page which contains the correct documentation, but puzzlingly, this documentation is in Microsoft Word format. You win some, you lose some, I suppose.

If Google changes #2, #3, and #4, I will happily add support for Google web search.


If you're having difficulty with Bingerator, you can run its test suite to try to diagnose the problem. If you encounter a problem, please open a GitHub issue that includes the output of the test suite.

sbt test

Note that the test suite requires the presence of a file called BingAccount.properties that contains your Bing account key in the following form:

key = 34hKZ87Aab2JJj8abz10MM0jh2sIU806fFXXkacveT4

Be careful not to add BingAccount.properties to your git projects, otherwise others will know your secret key!

If you find a bug in Bingerator, and you're adept at writing ScalaTest tests, you will maximize your chances of me fixing the problem if your GitHub issue includes a new test.


Bingerator is designed to work with Scala, and it depends on the Scala Stream library. Stream provides quite a bit more functionality than the Java iterator. This may mean that you cannot use Bingerator with Java. I honestly don't know. If you figure, it out, send me a note, but I am otherwise uninterested in porting Bingerator to Java.

Change Log

version changes
0.2.4 Support for image/animatedgif.
0.2.3 Support for Scala 2.11, otherwise no changes.
0.2.2 Now available via Maven. No real changes.
0.2.1 Added helper methods to allow easy downloading/saving of Bing image searches.
0.2.0 Added support for Bing image searches.
0.1.1 README updates.
0.1.0 Initial release.