
Primary LanguagePython

Self-Supervised Document Similarity Ranking (SDR) via Contextualized Language Models and Hierarchical Inference

This repo is the implementation for SDR.


Tested environment

  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch 1.7
  • CUDA 11.0

Lower CUDA and PyTorch versions should work as well.



License, Security, support and code of conduct specifications are under the Instructions directory.  



bash instructions/installation.sh 



The published datasets are:

  • Video games
    • 21,935 articles
    • Expert annotated test set. 90 articles with 12 ground-truth recommendations.
    • Examples:
      • Grand Theft Auto - Mafia
      • Burnout Paradise - Forza Horizon 3
  • Wines
    • 1635 articles
    • Crafted by a human sommelier, 92 articles with ~10 ground-truth recommendations.
    • Examples:
      • Pinot Meunier - Chardonnay
      • Dom Pérignon - Moët & Chandon

For more details and direct download see Wines and Video Games.



The training process downloads the datasets automatically.

python sdr_main.py --dataset_name video_games

The code is based on PyTorch-Lightning, all PL hyperparameters are supported. (limit_train/val/test_batches, check_val_every_n_epoch etc.)

Tensorboard support

All metrics are being logged automatically and stored in


Run tesnroboard --logdir=<path> to see the the logs.



The hierarchical inference described in the paper is implemented as a stand-alone service and can be used with any backbone algorithm (models/reco/hierarchical_reco.py).


python sdr_main.py --dataset_name <name> --resume_from_checkpoint <checkpoint> --test_only


Citing & Authors

If you find this repository or the annotated datasets helpful, feel free to cite our publication -

SDR: Self-Supervised Document-to-Document Similarity Ranking viaContextualized Language Models and Hierarchical Inference

     title={Self-Supervised Document Similarity Ranking via Contextualized Language Models and Hierarchical Inference}, 
     author={Dvir Ginzburg and Itzik Malkiel and Oren Barkan and Avi Caciularu and Noam Koenigstein},

Contact: Dvir Ginzburg, Itzik Malkiel.