Clones and (re)installs packages from remote git repos. See npm/npm#3055
- 1
- 3
- 3
- 8
Broken links after git clone
#26 opened by alexhochreiter - 4
Problem with npm@5.0.3
#23 opened by MarekSalat - 2
Spawn command doesn't work on windows
#19 opened by mattvaughan - 1
- 1
add support for devDependencies
#20 opened by mrfelton - 2
React fixed-data-table issue
#17 opened by sepo-one - 9
lib directory is empty
#16 opened by irakli-lekishvili - 1
Have a test suit
#14 opened by tad-lispy - 0
Write a change log
#15 opened by tad-lispy - 1
Speed up install times for dependencies
#12 opened by naganowl - 2
- 4
- 1
Welcome onboard @lambdatastic
#8 opened by tad-lispy - 4
git clone hanging
#4 opened by magano - 2
Update nodegit
#2 opened by kintel