This repository contains the Apache Camel-K Runtime bits used by the main project
In order to simplify the maintenance, you can use a script in /script/
directory which take care of bumping the versions for the project. As we maintain a BOM which is not inheriting the main project parent, this is very handy to keep versions aligned. Instructions how to run the script:
Usage: ./script/ [options] --version Bump Camel K runtime version --camel Bump Camel version --camel-quarkus Bump Camel-Quarkus version --quarkus Bump Quarkus version --graalvm Bump GraalVM version --help This help message Example: ./script/ --version 1.14.0-SNAPSHOT --camel 3.16.0
You can follow these instructions in order to run and debug a Camel K integration based on a local Camel K runtime.