
Integration microservices demo featuring Apache Camel + Hawtio + Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Demo application: Camel + hawtio + Spring Boot

Set up the following Twitter & Twilio credentials as environment variables:

export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=<Twitter consumer key>
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=<Twitter consumer secret>
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN=<Twitter access token>
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=<Twitter token secret>
export TWITTER_TARGET_USER=<Your Twitter username>

export TWILIO_USERNAME=<Twilio account sid>
export TWILIO_PASSWORD=<Twilio auth token>
export TWILIO_NUMBER_FROM=<Twilio phone number>
export TWILIO_NUMBER_TO=<Phone number to send SMS>

Then run:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

You can access: