

Primary LanguageNunjucksMIT LicenseMIT


What to do next


Other notes

Do soon:

  • generate a default share image when one is not present
  • favicon - https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/how-to-favicon-in-2021-six-files-that-fit-most-needs
  • There are 3 places we create the tags - could there be one definition somewhere (WebC? Template? Macro? Shortcode? Probably Macros)
  • How do images used in regular pages work (we only overrode for markdown)
  • Run images through imageoptim
    • find . -type f -exec stat -f '%z %N' {} + | sort -nr | head -n 10 - there are some REALLY big images here, wow (2.5MB?)

Do later:

  • analytics - happy with GA4? Something else?
  • header image
  • Tidy up functions so they can actually be tested, see https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-base-blog/blob/87c7dd40efc278717d09de219d33ff4a6c4315a8/.eleventy.js
  • alt text for share images
  • custom description og meta-tag used for blog posts
  • now page
  • revise about page
  • colophon
  • atom feed
  • maybe not have every post in the feed?
  • deleted all the language definitions for non-supported prism language - would prefer errors (M, kql)
  • Regularly review feed XML - this was busted on the current site and didn't even know - https://validator.w3.org/feed/
  • documentation
    • indieweb tags
      • header
      • post template
        • h-entry for article
        • p-name for title
        • dt-published for time published
        • e-content for article content
    • meta documentation
      • description exists in header (template), rss feed
      • could also consider centralizing
    • what external testing is done (RSS validation, structured data testing, lighthouse, other)
    • netlify plugin config from site - output report - https://github.com/netlify/netlify-plugin-lighthouse

Why there are 3 places prose is configured

Goal is to have all links coloured in something different to the site default for prose. To have headings contain a link (so you can copy it as a permalink), but to keep the headers coloured in differently.

This example shows what doesn't work.


I needed to:

  • Use the blue colour styling in tailwind.config.js
  • Set link decoration in the prose ... class style (this was previously in the config). If I set the colour here it overrode everything.
  • Set text-inherit on the class directly from the markdown anchor plugin

The difference between the styling in the config file and the global class style is the config doesn't use the where CSS selector (low specificity) compared to the class approach which uses is (higher specificity).