
Python basic intro

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python Basic tutorials

00.Python learning path



Python basic sytax

Please reading ppt in files folders:

01.Python standard

Python 2 vs Python 3

  • Python 2 will stop maintain after 2020
  • Python 3 is better in performation, solve the unicode problem once for all

Python env mangament

code style - pep8


  • prefer Pycharm

How to catch error

  • always use Traceback to catch / log context information


02.Python standards libs

  • datetime
  • functools
  • itertools
  • yield from / yield
  • urllib

03.Python web related

  • requests
    • post
    • get

04.Python data related

  • sqlalchemy
  • pandas: read_sql / read_sql_table / to_sql

05.Python web crawler

  • scrapy --> heavy staff
  • Requests + lxml + bs4 --> single page

06.Python Machine Learning

  • Sklean --> please read the "sklean" folder

07.Python Jupyter

  • cell level
  • code level
  • function level

08.Python Data Analysis

  • pandas