
JavaScript module for detecting connection features and issues

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

condetect Library

This library is small utility originally designed for connection-related detections. Consider it a shorthand for protocol checks and connection-related tasks.

The library is in development stage, so any feedback is encouraged. Please do not hesitate to use it - any issues should be reported through GitHub issues page.


Version Date Changes
0.0.1 2013-04-03
  • initial release,
  • support for detection of SPDY availability,
  • support for SSL check,


The following features are available:

  • detect if current connection uses SPDY protocol,
  • detect if current connection uses SSL,

The following features are planned:

  • connection features detection (eg. compression),
  • connectivity issues detection,
  • ability to work with separate AJAX calls or by intercepting existing ones,
  • configurable endpoints for AJAX tests,

How to use the library

When loaded, the library creates global object called condetect (as the name off the library, abbreviation of "connection detect"). This object has some useful properties, such as:

  • condetect.isSSL() - returns true if connection is done through SSL, false if connection is not done through SSL, and returns undefined, when the protocol cannot be identified,
  • condetect.isSPDY() - returns true if connection is done through SPDY, false when not, and undefined when the library cannot distinguish it,

Both condetect.isSSL() and condetect.isSPDY() accept window object as an argument, if you want to check some specific window. If you have insufficient permissions for specific window (eg. for iframe from external site), do not be surprised with undefined returned by the above calls.

Example no. 1 - redirect to SSL

To redirect to secure connection you can do the following:

function secureLocation(oldLocation){
    // build location by changing the protocol
    return 'https://' + oldLocation.hostname + oldLocation.pathname;

if (!condetect.isSSL()){
    // connection is not secure, redirect to secure location
    window.location = secureLocation(window.location);

Example no. 2 - switch for SPDY

Since you are able to detect SPDY on some browsers, you may wish to let user know, that he is using some pretty cool technology:

if (condetect.isSPDY()){
    // user is connecting through SPDY, let him know
    alert('You are using faster connection version. Congratulations!');

Of course, you can apply similar checks for more advanced features provided by SPDY protocol.

Browser compatibility

Right now the compatibility with older (deprecated) browsers is not planned, but further tests should reveal the degree of library's compatibility with such browsers. Any test results giving some insight into this subject are encouraged.

The module has been tested so far with:

  • Google Chrome 25 to 43 (latest),
  • Mozilla Firefox 18 to 38 (latest),
  • Opera 12.14,


The library is distributed under MIT license and is available in the "LICENSE.rst" file, in the same directory as this file.

You can use the library for free, modify it and distribute. However, please include the reference to the original library and its author.

The library is provided free of charge and without any guarantee, of any kind. In return please consider giving feedback on it, eg. testing it for different browsers and providing the results and/or fixes.