
devshell.nix incompatibility with aarch64

tcmulcahy opened this issue · 0 comments

Line 28 of https://github.com/tadfisher/android-nixpkgs/blob/main/template/devshell.nix#L28 refers to android-studio, which isn't supported on aarch64. This results in confusing error messages for people on aarch64 (i.e. anyone on a M* Mac). (These can be fixed by removing android-studio manually, but it's not very discoverable that you need to do that)

       … while calling the 'derivationStrict' builtin
         at <nix/derivation-internal.nix>:9:12:
            9|   strict = derivationStrict drvAttrs;
             |            ^

       … while evaluating derivation 'android-project'
         whose name attribute is located at /nix/store/8s2477ph23ipnml56axnr9r7j0z7ywd5-source/nix/mkNakedShell.nix:30:10

       … while evaluating attribute 'args' of derivation 'android-project'
         at /nix/store/8s2477ph23ipnml56axnr9r7j0z7ywd5-source/nix/mkNakedShell.nix:38:3:
           37|   # Bring in the dependencies on `nix-build`
           38|   args = [ "-ec" "${coreutils}/bin/ln -s ${profile} $out; exit 0" ];
             |   ^

       (stack trace truncated; use '--show-trace' to show the full trace)

       error: attribute 'android-studio' missing
       at /nix/store/0w59l4y8aswylmd4909im5rk209spwh0-source/flake.nix:13:31:
           12|     {
           13|       overlay = final: prev: {
             |                               ^
           14|         inherit (self.packages.${final.system}) android-sdk android-studio;