- 1
Could not start dynamically linked executable /nix/store/..../build-tools.../aapt
#111 opened by fdietze - 1
Can't update, `ndk-bundle` doesn't build.
#112 opened by dpc - 0
new ndk available ndk;27.1.12297006
#109 opened by cguentherTUChemnitz - 4
Executables not runnable
#103 opened by RatCornu - 1
- 2
Usage with devbox
#80 opened by BenceBakos - 2
The SDK directory is not writable
#106 opened by orhnk - 0
ndk-26-1-10909125 fails on macOS
#101 opened by sandipndev - 5
- 0
devshell.nix incompatibility with aarch64
#85 opened by tcmulcahy - 3
How to install a AVD? -> Cannot invoke "java.nio.file.Path.getFileSystem()" because "path" is null
#97 opened by patmuk - 2
Build failure of build-tools-28-0-3
#89 opened by BatteredBunny - 3
Why does this exist
#92 opened by jb55 - 0
How to add System Images from this channel?
#98 opened by Anifyuli - 3
- 9
Unable to use with home manager
#15 opened by doofy - 2
- 1
[Feature request] Create Nix packages for the packages required to run the Cuttlefish virtual device
#78 opened by robbins - 2
- 1
Setting NDK_HOME
#69 opened by bobbbay - 0
- 6
- 5
AAPT2 daemon startup failed
#46 opened by eekrain - 0
Unable to recognize NDK (and Gradle?)
#79 opened by c4lliope - 0
Is flake usage wrong?
#55 opened by dpc - 2
Code signature stripped on Darwin
#37 opened by nwjsmith - 1
cmake coming from android-sdk cannot find ICU
#47 opened by meh - 1
How to consume `pkgs/aapt2/default.nix`?
#49 opened by louwers - 1
- 3
Missing libcryptx-legacy
#59 opened by lamarios - 1
Configuring an emulator?
#54 opened by ElrohirGT - 1
- 2
Upstream files changed?
#70 opened by dpc - 5
Set $JAVA_HOME and $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT on cmdline-tools package definition to avoid conflicts/impurities
#66 opened by yangm97 - 0
cmake-3-22-1 mysteriously broken on darwin x86_64
#67 opened by yangm97 - 0
Incorrect ANDROID_HOME value
#64 opened by Mange - 0
- 2
Support `aarch64-linux`
#50 opened by mcginty - 0
Improve documentation on simultaneous usage of `cmdline-tools-latest` and `tools`
#58 opened by irisjae - 1
- 0
Flake provided by the template crashes with "value is set while a list was expected"
#53 opened by Twiggeh - 0
Ad-hoc Example Not Working
#52 opened by jamesward - 9
Usage on NixOS
#29 opened by MikiVanousek - 2
error: attribute 'androidSdk' missing
#43 opened by nipeharefa - 0
Readme incomplete (Home manager & flakes)
#38 opened by turion - 2
- 1
[feature request]: aarch64-darwin support?
#28 opened by ebsi-cgoboncan - 12
setup-hook: No such file or directory
#17 opened by sheldonneuberger-sc - 1
undefined variable mkDevShell
#14 opened by dit7ya - 6
Flutter: Android license status unknown
#18 opened by J4NV5