
A picture is worth a thousand words. This saying continues to ring true in an era where digital printers can reproduce almost any image precisely and cheaply. However, there are many mediums that digital printing has yet to become available. The ART System hopes to expand these limits. The ART (Automated Robotic Tracer) System was designed to recreate images on a larger scale and a wider variety of surfaces than any available printing system. Due to time constraints however, a fully operational model was unable to be constructed. The system as is consists of two elements, a mobile vehicle and a stationary tower. The vehicle is capable of moving in defined, accurate steps submitted to it manually. It is also able to raise and lower a marker enabling it to draw. The tower determines the path for the vehicle to take and tracks it to ensure it is following that path. The system is also capable of converting images given to it into paths for the vehicle to take and simulating those paths.

repo structure

sub-folders for different parts of the system each have readme files. Most files in the top level repo are accidentally commited there in the process of learning how to effectively use git.

in an effort to clean up the repo most of these files have been copied to meaningful sub-folders, ideally all of the files are copied and all the files at the top level can be deleted but none of us had time to go through and make sure everything is correctly up to date. sorry.