Lightweight file watcher. Listens for file changes specified in config file and then executing commands also specified in config file. It is intended to run as root if users are specified for executing commands.
Example of toml file:
# .watch.toml
# list here all events and commands that it should execute
name = 'run live preview on file change'
dir = '/path/to/dir'
watch_patterns = ['**/filename']
recursive = true # not required
command = '/path/to/command'
user = 'user' # not required
group = 'group' # not required
working_dir = '/path/to/cwd/' # not required
env = [
['MY_ENV', 'value']
] # in form of ['key', 'value'], not required
# another rule which will exectue commands as user who executed this program
name = 'some other rule'
dir = '/path/to/dir'
watch_patterns = ['**/filename']
command = '/path/to/command'
This will create two rules, one will execute commands as specidied user, group and working dir, other will execute commands as user and group who executed watcher and in current working dir.
Ftracker watches on file create, file write and changing file mode bits. Filename matching uses glob patterns.
Ftracker uses log4rs as logging framework.
Ftracker can execute command for given rule as user and/or group specified in config file.
Adding environment variables for command.
Learn Rust and create somewhat useful program.
Easiest way to install this program is with cargo.
# debug version
cargo build
# release version
cargo build --release
# to execute
cargo run # --release
# or you can execute binary file directly
./target/debug/ftracker # debug version
./target/release/ftracker # release version
Ftracker is licensed under
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
- specify user for command
- specify group for command
- support logging
- support live reload of config file
- specify working dir for command