
filter to parse mongodb log files

Primary LanguagePython


A collection of helper scripts to set up MongoDB test environments and parse MongoDB log files (mongod, mongos).

Requirements and Installation Instructions

The mtools collection is written in Python, and most of the tools only make use the standard packages shipped with Python, and should run out of the box.

Some of the tools have additional dependencies, which are listed under the specific tool's section. See the INSTALL.md file for installation instructions for these modules.


You will need to have a version of Python installed for all the scripts below, 2.7.x is recommended. 2.6.x will work but you need to install the argparse module separately (you can use pip to install it, see below). To check your Python version, run python --version on the command line.

Python 3.x is currently not supported.

mtools installation

Clone the mtools github repository into a directory of your choice:

cd /path/to/github/repos
git clone git://github.com/rueckstiess/mtools.git

This will create a sub-folder mtools under the /path/to/github/repos folder and check out the code there.

Command style usage

While you can execute each of the scripts with python script.py ("script.py" being a placeholder for the real script name), it is convenient to use the symbolic links that are located in the mtools/scripts/ subfolder.

Add the mtools/scripts/ subfolder to your PATH environment variable, if you want to use the scripts from anywhere in the shell. If you use the bash shell, you can do so by adding a line

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/github/repos/mtools/scripts

to your .bashrc script. Other shells may have a different syntax.


Additional dependencies
  • pymongo

See the INSTALL.md file for installation instructions of these dependencies.


This script lets you quickly spin up MongoDB environments on your local machine. It supports various configurations of stand-alone servers, replica sets and sharded clusters.

usage: mlaunch [-h] (--single | --replicaset) [--nodes NUM] [--arbiter]
               [--name NAME] [--sharded [N [N ...]]] [--config NUM]
               [--verbose] [--port PORT] [--authentication]
               [--loglevel LOGLEVEL]

script to launch MongoDB stand-alone servers, replica sets, and shards

positional arguments:
  dir                   base directory to create db and log paths

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --single              creates a single stand-alone mongod instance
  --replicaset          creates replica set with several mongod instances
  --nodes NUM           adds NUM data nodes to replica set (requires
                        --replicaset, default: 3)
  --arbiter             adds arbiter to replica set (requires --replicaset)
  --name NAME           name for replica set (default: replset)
  --sharded [N [N ...]]
                        creates a sharded setup consisting of several singles
                        or replica sets. Provide either list of shard names or
                        number of shards (default: 1)
  --config NUM          adds NUM config servers to sharded setup (requires
                        --sharded, NUM must be 1 or 3, default: 1)
  --verbose             outputs information about the launch
  --port PORT           port for mongod, start of port range in case of
                        replica set or shards (default: 27017)
  --authentication      enable authentication and create a key file and admin
                        user (admin/mypassword)
  --loglevel LOGLEVEL   increase loglevel to LOGLEVEL (default: 0)


Launch single mongod instance

mlaunch --single

Launch replica set with 2 data nodes and 1 arbiter, use authentication

mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --authentication

Launch sharded cluster with 2 shards, each consisting of a replicaset with 3 nodes, increase loglevel to 3

mlaunch --sharded 2 --replicaset --loglevel 3

Launch sharded cluster with 3 shards called tic, tac and toe, each of them a single mongod, add 3 config servers start from port 30000, and print mongod commands used

mlaunch --sharded tic tac toe --single --config 3 --port 30000 --verbose



A script that takes log files as input and merges them by date/time. Each line receives an additional "tag", which indicates the original file name. Tags can be generated automatically, different styles (enum, alpha, filename) are available, or you can provide custom tags, for example "[PRI] [SEC] [ARB]".

usage: mlogmerge logfiles [-h | --help] [--label LABELS] [--pos POS]

positional arguments: 
  logfiles              list of logfiles to merge

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --labels LABELS       either one of 'enum' (default), 'alpha', 
                        'filename', 'none' or a list of labels (must
                        match number of logfiles)
  --pos POS             position where label is printed in line. 
                        either a number (default: 4) or 'eol'
  --timezone [N [N ..]] timezone adjustments: add N hours to 
                        corresponding log file. If only one number
                        is given, adjust globally


Additional dependencies

  • NumPy
  • matplotlib

See the INSTALL.md file for installation instructions of these dependencies.


A script to plot query durations in a logfile (requires numpy and matplotlib modules).

usage: mplotqueries filename [-h] [--ns [NS [NS ...]]] [--exclude-ns [NS [NS ...]]]
positional arguments: 
  filename              log file to plot

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  --ns [NS [NS ...]]           namespaces to include in the plot (default is all)
  --exclude-ns [NS [NS ...]]   namespaces to exclude from the plot
  --log                        plot y-axis in logarithmic scale (default=off)



A filter script to reduce the amount of information from MongoDB log files.
Currently, the script supports filtering by time (from - to), to only show slow queries, to filter by arbitrary keywords, to detect table scans (heuristic) or any combination of these filters. Additionally, the --shorten option can shorten log lines to the given value (default is 200 characters), cutting out excess characters from the middle and replacing them with "...".

usage: mlogfilter logfile [-h] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [--word WORDS] [--slow]
positional arguments:
  logfile               logfile to parse

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --from FROM           output starting at FROM
  --to TO               output up to TO
  --shorten [LENGTH]    shortens long lines by cutting characters out of the
                        middle until the length is <= LENGTH (default 200)
  --scan                only output lines which appear to be table scans (if
                        nscanned>10000 and ratio of nscanned to nreturned>100)
  --word WORDS          only output lines matching any of WORDS
  --slow                only output lines with query times longer than 1000 ms

FROM and TO can be any combination of [DATE] [TIME] [OFFSET] in that order,
separated by space.

    [DATE] can be any of
        - a 3-letter weekday (Mon, Tue, Wed, ...)
        - a date as 3-letter month, 1-2 digits day (Sep 5, Jan 31, Aug 08)
        - the words: today, now, start, end

    [TIME] can be any of
        - hours and minutes (20:15, 04:00, 3:00)
        - hours, minutes and seconds (13:30:01, 4:55:55)

    [OFFSET] consists of [OPERATOR][VALUE][UNIT]   (no spaces in between)

    [OPERATOR] can be + or - (note that - can only be used if the whole 
        "[DATE] [TIME] [OFFSET]" is in quotation marks, otherwise it would 
        be confused with a separate parameter)

    [VALUE] can be any number

    [UNIT] can be any of s, sec, m, min, h, hours, d, days, w, weeks, mo,
        months, y, years

    The [OFFSET] is added/subtracted to/from the specified [DATE] [TIME].

    For the --from parameter, the default is the same as 'start' 
        (0001-01-01 00:00:00). If _only_ an [OFFSET] is given, it is 
        added to 'start' (which is not very useful).

    For the --to parameter, the default is the same as 'end' 
        (9999-31-12 23:59:59). If _only_ an [OFFSET] is given, however, 
        it is added to [FROM].

        --from Sun 10:00 
            goes from last Sunday 10:00:00am to the end of the file

        --from Sep 29
            goes from Sep 29 00:00:00 to the end of the file

        --to today 15:00
            goes from the beginning of the file to today at 15:00:00

        --from today --to +1h
            goes from today's date 00:00:00 to today's date 01:00:00

        --from 20:15 --to +3m  
            goes from today's date at 20:15:00 to today's date at 20:18:00

mtools combined

The scripts in the mtools collection can be used with the shell pipe syntax and can be easily combined to quickly create complex analytical queries.


mlogmerge mongod_prim.log mongod_sec.log mongod_arb.log --label [pri] [sec] [arb] | 
    grep -v writebacklisten | 
    mlogfilter --slow --from Jan 30 20:16 --to +1h | 
    mplotqueries --log

This combination of commands merges the log files of a primary, secondary, and arbiter node, removes the 300 second writebacklisten commands, filters out only the slow queries from Jan 30 at 20:16pm for 1 hour, and then plots the results.