
Code for Taejun Kim and Juhan Nam, "Temporal Feedback Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Command Recognition," APSIPA ASC, 2022

Primary LanguagePython

Temporal Feedback CRNN

Code for Taejun Kim and Juhan Nam, "Temporal Feedback Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Command Recognition," APSIPA ASC, 2022 [pdf]

This repository is tested under Python 3.10.

Preparing the dataset

curl -O http://download.tensorflow.org/data/speech_commands_v0.02.tar.gz
mkdir dataset
tar zxvf speech_commands_v0.02.tar.gz -C ./dataset

Installing this package

Install PyTorch according to your environment at the official website, and run:

pip install -e .

It will install tfcrnn package and its dependencies.

Training a model

Weights & Biases (W&B) is integrated so you can use its nice visualizations if you sign up and log in to W&B using wandb login. Though, you can also run the code without an account.

By default, it will train a TF-CRNN with the basic block:

python tfcrnn/train.py

If you want to train another type of network, use --skeleton cnn|crnn|tfcrnn and --block basic|se|resse:

# An example for training a SampleCNN with Res-SE blocks.
python tfcrnn/train.py --skeleton cnn --block resse


  title={Temporal Feedback Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Command Recognition},
  author={Kim, Taejun and Nam, Juhan},
  booktitle={Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)},