Display some statistics on HTTP response times for a list of urls.
$ poetry install
usage: urlstat.py [-h] [-t TIMEOUT] [-m MAX_CONNECTIONS] [-ka MAX_KEEP_ALIVE] [-r ALLOW_REDIRECTS] urls_path
Fetch url from a file and display response times stats
positional arguments:
urls_path Path to the url file (one url per line)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Max concurrent connection
-ka MAX_KEEP_ALIVE, --max-keep-alive MAX_KEEP_ALIVE
Max keep alive connections
Allow redirects
$ ./urlstat.py urls_short.txt
invalid-url UnsupportedProtocol
http://www.google.co.in 200 0.135s
http://www.qq.com 200 0.159s
http://www.wikipedia.org 200 0.177s
http://www.facebook.com 200 0.382s
http://www.yahoo.com 200 0.316s
http://www.amazon.com 200 0.478s
http://www.youtube.com 200 0.642s
http://www.baidu.com 200 1.023s
http://www.twitter.com 200 1.271s
Total time: 2.903s
Average response time: 0.509s
Median response time: 0.382s
90th percentile response time: 1.073s
Processed : 9/10