Algorithm Study


Taehong Mun, Taegyu Min

Study Period

Dec 2019 - Feb 2020


  1. Lecture Materials from MIT - Open Course - [6.006] Introduction to Algorithms (As Taught In Fall 2011)

  2. Problem set from Baejoon Online Judge and Algospot


  • Dec 24th, 2019 Algorithm Thinking and Models of Computation
  • Dec 30th, 2019 Insertion sort, Merge sort, Heap sort and Binary search tree
  • Jan 10th, 2020 AVL trees and Counting sort
  • Jan 14th, 2020 Hashing
  • Jan 21st, 2020 Numerics
  • Feb 02nd, 2020 Graphs
  • Feb 15th, 2020 Shortest Paths
  • Feb 18th, 2020 Dynamic Programming 1
  • Feb 25th, 2020 Dynamic Programming 2