
Easily run Alpine Chorus using docker.

Primary LanguageShell

Alpine Chorus docker-compose environment

Easily run Alpine Chorus using docker.

  • All logs inside the containers are output to STDOUT and available via docker-compose logs
  • All filesystem state inside the containers is placed into the data directory which is created via the setup_volumes.sh script.

Docker installation on OSX

  1. Download & install: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-toolbox (the Kitematic GUI is the most recent)

Take note (not publically available yet): https://blog.docker.com/2016/03/docker-for-mac-windows-beta/

  1. Create a larger than normal docker-machine (with 8gb of ram):

    docker-machine rm -f default docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count 2 --virtualbox-memory "8192" --virtualbox-disk-size "50000" default

  2. We need docker-machine-nfs to bugfix filesystem issues related to the data container: adlogix/docker-machine-nfs#25

    brew install docker-machine-nfs docker-machine-nfs default --nfs-config="-alldirs -maproot=0"

$) Run this each time you open bash to hook up the shell to the docker-machine instance:

eval "$(docker-machine env)"    


# login with http://hub.docker.com account to access private alpine image
docker login

# checkout this repo
git clone https://github.com/Chorus/alpine-chorus-docker.git

cd alpine-chorus-docker
docker-compose pull

# create a copy of the persistent filesystems associated with the alpine and chorus docker images, on our local host

# initialize the chorus postgres database    
docker-compose run chorus rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

# run the combined instance, daemonized
docker-compose up -d

# view the logs of the running instance
docker-compose logs

# ... watch Alpine & Chorus boot up -- wait till you see (from Chorus):
`Mizuno 0.6.11 (Jetty 8.1.15.v20140411) listening on`
# ... then (in a new bash instance), run:
open http://`docker-machine ip`:8080

# stop the combined instance
docker-compose stop


Run bash inside a running container:

docker ps # find running container
docker exec -it <name of container> bash

TODO, Notes, & Gotchas

  • If you move your comptuter from one network to another (like, go home from work, etc ), the docker-machine will have trouble connecting to the internet. Fix this with a:

    docker-machine restart

  • Once you have run the ./setup_volumes.sh script, do not move the alpine-chorus-docker folder to another location on your hard drive. If you do this, the volume mounting will break. To fix this, delete and recreate your docker-machine.

  • I find, on OSX with docker-machine, it's hard to get enough RAM to run all the Chorus services (indexer, workers, etc), so the docker-compose.yml currently overrides the command with one, to just start solr, and the webserver. But, if this command line is removed, the default CMD of the Chorus Dockerfile is to run all the services.

  • Note the script: alpine-chorus-docker-installer.sh -- this is an attempt to automate all the steps above, it could be the beginnings of an installer for this setup. I think it's buggy right now, haven't had a chance to continue it. Not necessary for the current stage.

  • You can have any number of docker-compose.yml files, you do so like so: docker-compose -f alpine_chorus_60.yml up We can use this to allow users to easily switch between different setups.

Version information

$ docker version
 Version:      1.10.2
 API version:  1.22
 Go version:   go1.5.3
 Git commit:   c3959b1
 Built:        Mon Feb 22 22:37:33 2016
 OS/Arch:      darwin/amd64

 Version:      1.10.3
 API version:  1.22
 Go version:   go1.5.3
 Git commit:   20f81dd
 Built:        Thu Mar 10 21:49:11 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

$ docker-compose version
docker-compose version 1.6.0, build d99cad6
docker-py version: 1.7.0
CPython version: 2.7.9
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014