
Full-stack single-page application inspired by Youtube, a video-sharing platform

Primary LanguageRuby

VidTube (YouTube clone)

VidTube Logo

VidTube GIF

Table of Contents


VidTube is a video-sharing platform (YouTube clone) where users can upload and share videos that other users can view, like, or comment on.


  • React (16.12.0)
  • Redux (4.0.4)
  • Ruby on Rails (5.2.4)
  • Amazon Web Services (S3)
  • Heroku


Some VidTube features include but are not limited to:

  • User authentication
  • View, upload, update, or delete videos
  • Create, edit or delete comments made on videos
  • Like or Dislike videos and comments

(Logging a user in)

VidTube GIF

(Creating comments and liking or disliking comments / videos)

VidTube GIF


The implementation of likes was a learning experience due to its polymorphic associations with videos and comments. For instance, the Video Show page renders the main video item, a list of randomized videos, and the comments associated with the main video. Additionally, data on likes for the main video and all of its comments are also required for the frontend state.

The following is the comments_controller#index action, where multiple queries were made being sent back up for each comment to the frontend.

def index
  @video = Video.find(params[:video_id])
  @comments = @video.comments.includes(:user, :likes)
  @comment_count = @video.comments.count
  render :index

Despite eager loading with .includes to pre-fetch the comments data including their users and likes, trying to fetch data to get the count of likes and dislikes for each of the comments would still make N+1 queries to the database, which was sub-optimal.

Instead, a hash counter was used to iterate through each of the likes per comment, as seen in the index.json.jbuilder.

@comments.each do |comment|
  like_counter = Hash.new(0);
  json.comments do
    json.set! comment.id do
      json.partial! 'comment', comment: comment
      comment.likes.each do |like|
        like_counter[like.is_like] += 1
        if current_user && like.user_id == current_user.id
          json.like do
            json.extract! like, :id, :is_like
      json.like_counts like_counter

Although this is an additional loop for each comments, it appears to be more optimal than making N+1 queries to the database.

A future consideration would be to add two columns in the comments table to track their like and dislike counts. However, this will require an additional post request.

Future Considerations

  • User channels - users can have multiple channels, where videos would also be attached to channels
  • Parent comments - users can reply to comments
  • Subscriptions - users can subscribe to channels
  • Autoplay - when enabled, a queue of videos will automatically be played after the current one finishes
  • CSS animations - loading animations