
Boilerplate code for bootstrapping new Flask applications

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Flask Boilerplate

Flask Boilerplate is a set of default Flask files for quickly bootstrapping a new application.


First, you'll need to clone the repo to your local machine:

    # Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/taeram/flask-boilerplate.git
    cd ./flask-boilerplate

Then, for local development setup:

    # Setup and activate virtualenv
    virtualenv .venv
    source ./.venv/bin/activate

    # Install the pip requirements for postgres and MySQL database support
    sudo apt-get install postgresql-client postgresql-common libpq-dev python-dev mysql-client libmysqld-dev
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    # Create the development database
    python manage.py database migrate upgrade
    python manage.py database setup

    # Next, create a MySQL database user, and give it access to a database called "boilerplate"

    # Start the application, prefixing with the required environment variables
    DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:password@localhost/boilerplate python server.py

When deploying to production, ensure the following environment variables are set:

  • FLASK_ENV - Must be set to "production". Used to switch to the production configuration.
  • SECRET_KEY - Must be a random hash. Used by to generate secure session hashes.
  • PORT - The port to run the application on. Defaults to 5000.

Next, run the migrate upgrade and setup steps like you did locally:

  • python manage.py database migrate upgrade
  • python manage.py database setup

Upgrading to a new Release

When upgrading to a new release, simply pull down the new copy, and migrate the database:

  • python manage.py database migrate upgrade